Paw Inside a crazy man's head

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This is great! It's been too boring around here and I'm ready for some action. And this human girl brought it all. I've been keeping a close eye on her for weeks, watching all the signs. She's a mate to a were and I'm the only one that knows it. She doesn't even know it.

This alpha has been watching her from the shadows and I've been waiting for him to make his move. The dumb shit didn't even know she was his mate. Then again it's not often a human and were are mates. So being the wonderfully awesome man I am... Decided to beat it out of him. He did sneak into my territory and is taking my favorite waitress with him.

At the moment he's being held back by six of my enforcers and she's trying to dry her tears. This sweet little human who can't be much more than 19 is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice and she doesn't even know why. I'm waiting for him to get so angry that magic M word comes out of his mouth. I know I look like a crazy man but this is great!

I take a step off to the side and play with my weapon. Swinging it around and dancing a man's dance of sword play. I've got to get warmed up for my pretend execution.

"All warmed up!" I sing with a crazy grin. The girl looks at me with a blank face. No emotions are showing. What a great alpha female she will be! I'm almost jealous of this pup. He's got himself a jem.

Two of his pack members are here, in search of the girl of course because I'm sure the pup, their alpha, chased her away. I knew the moment they entered my territory but they came quietly and smelled faintly of her. I see that one of my females had found a mate in the older of the two. Good strong looking chap with a gentle heart. The moon has chosen good for our spitfire Tara she will dance circles around him and he will love it.

I nod to one of my men and he pulls her up to the block and leans her over it. The enforcers have the alpha pup held such a way that if I was really going to kill this girl he would be forced to watch. I look around my pack and see fear and sadness. These people have come to care for this girl just as I have. They don't know I'm bluffing.

She's looking straight at her mate for her last moments. He's staring into her eyes but has stopped struggling. Looks like his shoulder is dislocated. Dang that must hurt. Oh well. Good thing he'll heal fast.

I step up to the block and brush a stray lock of hair from her face. She doesn't even flinch. I turn to her mate and smile as I set the blade on her neck gently and raise it above my head ready to swing. "This will only hurt a second!" I shout as I ready my grip. He'll shout any second... The pressure is on. I glance at her and decide to play with the brainless pup alpha a little more. I lean down and whisper to her "well it will only hurt a second for you..." I then trail my tongue along her jaw line and around her ear before standing back up swinging my sword in a few artful circles before lowering it towards her neck again. "Bye" I grin and swing it up over my head and starting to swing it back down loving his snarls.

Just as I'm a few inches from her slender neck and getting ready to swing it around and back up I hear that magic M word torn from his mouth.

"Mate! No! Please!"

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