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Ashton was driving with Zack and luke in the passenger was me  and calum behind them,the were 3 seats in each row but we didn't want some one to be by themselves so it was michael and Rachel in the back.

The van had on windows in the back so that was a bummer.

We were driving for about twenty minutes when we stopped of somewhere to get what me and Rachel wanted.

"But you won't know what books to get us"Rachel said when Zack ,luke ashton where about to get out of the van.

"Okay what books do you want?"ashton said happily.

"Oh,I want the scorch trials!"Rachel said.

"But I told you that you could have mine"Isaid turning around to look at her.

"Yeah,but I can't have it now"she pointed out.

"Oh yeah, can I get..."I said trying to think of a book I'd like to read.

"Divergent,I've seen the move but I want to read the book,I know,I know, read the book first but its a bit too late now"I said blabbing on about stuff they didn't care about.

"Okay so "the scorch trials" and "divergent" and what sweets do you want?" Asked Zack, oh yeah I forgot about them.

"If they have like watermelon flavored things, there ways so nice and surgery stuff!"Rachel said getting excited about the sweets. I nodded my head agreeing with her.

"Oh and like chilly doritos"I added.

"Em,is nachos okay?"ashton asked

"Yeah,yeah but just remember lots of juice sweets of and like some water please"Rachel said playing with a random strand of hair.

"Okay,well get both of you an mp4 player as well cause we're so nice"Zack said  closing the door while luke followed him and closed the door behind him as ashton followed his actions.

"Okay,so what do you want to do now?"Rachel asked running a hand through her hair.

"I dunno..."I aaid trying to think

"I know let's play twister!"Michael said it like it was the best idea ever.

"Michael,we can't leave the van, and we don't even have twister!"calum said hitting Michaels arm.

"No way!" Michael said completely sarcastic "I mean like we can try make our own version"

"Michael, no,you just said that cause you want to fall on one of the girls or for one if them to fall on you so you can touch there boobs or something"calum said then flicked him him the head.

Me and Rachel found this completely entertaining.

"No I don't! You just want me to sound like a perv so you look better! Girls I promise I'm not like that"michael said as he blushed and gave calum daggers while we laughed.

"You know nothing about us,isn't that weird?"Rachel did leaning back onto her seat.

"Okay,so tell us about your self"michael asked getting his normal color back on his face.

"Well I'm 16 I lived in Dublin,Ireland,I love YouTube, I love music, I play the electric guitar, my favorite food is chicken, my favorite color is indigo, my best friend is that gal over there,I love make up but recently I've stopped wearing it,oh I love the 1975,my favorite shop is H&M because its cheep but has nice clothes,I had a huge crush on this guy called Mat,I have a dog called Phil,my favorite book changes all lot, my favorite film is the maze runner,I am a bit weird and say random things and yeah that's about what I can tell you the rest is up to you" she said.

We all clapped,messing.

"Try beat that" michael said looking at me.I took a deep breath in.

"I'm 16 too,I love music,I play the keyboard in a band called the internet"I messed as the laughed "my favorite food is pizza,my favorite color is buley mint,I love to read,I used to treat my phone as my baby, I love all time low,fall out boy,black Vail brides etc,my favorite shop is top shop but only when theres a sale if there's not not probably forever 21,I want to die my hair but my mam won't let me,I like to wear rings,I love black as an item of clothing cause I like it,I don't like it when like 6 year olds go around wearing chokers,I don't like bare feet,I love it when I see cute couples on the street, I wanted to be an actress but I grew out of it when reality hit me,I used to have a crush on this guy called jack, I like to be neat be never am,I love rom-coms,my favorite movie is the lucky one,I love you tube too,I'm a little bit crazy and weird as well and yeah,boom!"I said

They all looked at me to say you finally done and then clapped.

"The winner is...-"I cut calum off.

"David swimmer"I cheered

"Is that the guy from friends"michael asked with a confused look in his face.

"Yeah he palys Ross,oh I forgot to tell you I'm a big fan of friends but then again nearly everyone is"I said in a German accent

"You weren't kidding when you said you were a bit weird were-"calum was cut off again by a loud bang against the van.

Soz for the late update, had so much homework :(

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