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The pizzas came and oh were they delicious. I got a plane cheese pizza,Rachel got a pepperoni pizza and michael got a meat fest pizza. We didn't ask the others if they wanted any until we ate as much we could. Michael ate all his while I have three left and Rachel two.

Ashton had mine and luke had Rachels,we didn't know where calum was so he didn't get any.

Everyone, except calum, were in the games room having a debate on what the best Nickelodeon program was.

I was in the middle of a speech about how great Drake and Josh was when calum came in with a huge smile on his face.

"What are you so happy about?"michael asked as heust have had the same impression as I did.

"I found ketchup a girlfriend!"he said sitting down next to me looking very pleased with himself.

"Omg thats so cool"I said poking his in the stomach.

"Can we see her."asked ashton getting excited.

"no,not til next week"calum said sticking out his bottom lip.

"Aw,that's not fare"luke whined as he folded his arms.

"Life's not fare, now want to have a foot fight with me!"michael asked as he crossed his legs.

Rachel looked straight at me as fast as lightning when michael said "foot fing" because she knew that I love to play that even though I hate feet I just have to be wearing slippers and so dose the other person.

Everyone looked at me because of Rachel's fast reactions.

"Michael I'd like to take you up on that offer "I said as I wriggled my feet around in their sleepers.

"I feel as though I should be scared"michael said as everyone laughed

"You should be michael,she's a champion at it"Rachael said while I through a pillow at her.

"Shut up ray,and let me kick his ass"I said feeling a sudden urge to win.

"Fight,fight,fight,fight"ashton began chanting.

"I've never played it with a boy before especially not someone as tall as you but a well"I said sitting down on the middle of the carpeted floor.

"Oh your going down"michael said sitting down but almost as soon as he spoke Rachael said "I'm yelling timber, you better move you better dance-"I caut her of "rachel you are seriously annoying"

"Okay,so you guys know the rules but I'll just remind you again" calum began taking a remote as a microphone "you can only use your feet,obviously,if anyone gets hurt stop immediately and two feet have to be on the other persons feet if ine slips off your out,the frist one to give up has lost and I think that'd it cause this isn't really a game that has a lot of rules so on 3" calum said.

I was now on the ground,in a wooly gray jumper and black leggings and white slippers on with my hair in a messy fishtail.I put a pillow under my back and raised my feet up to Michaels.

"Two!"calum said while putting up two fingers.

Michaels legs were long but he didn't put them up high so I could still reach them.

"Three!!!"calum said putting up three fingers.

I pushed my feet hard against his,but I didn't show any mercy.

Calum,rachel and luke were routing for me while it was only ashton going for michael.

He was crumbling, yes I felt his one of his knees lock and it went to the side and his foot slide of my foot it was only for about three seconds but it was off! YES!I won! In his cocky face!

I'm very competitive.

I stud up a screamed "in your face!I won your sorry ass!HA!"

Everyone was laughing at my child like behavior,except michael.

He was sulking that he didn't win "that's not fair I want a rematch" he said

Calum pulled me up on to his shoulders "winner!" He exclaimed

"Omg we take this to serious"luke said laughing to himself.

"Yeah,you do-"he was cut of my a loud bang of the front door.

We all looked at each other, I was still on Calums shoulder,I could tell everyone was freaked out.

"I'm sure it was just the wind, we probably left it open"ashton reassured us.

I sure am hell didnt believe him;1. Because the wasn't a breeze out today and 2. I was pretty sure I could here footsteps.

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