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Happy new years everyone!its 2015 whoop whoop ヽ(^。^)丿

"I was following you to school,I was going to scare you but then I saw that they were going to attack you so I hid and watched and when they took you I didn't know what to do and I didn't have a phone" Rachel said I one whole breath when she was done she let out a loud breath.

"Go on.."I said egger to know what happened.

"So when they had you in the back and 4 other people climbed in but there was one in the front and they got out and locked all they doors and one of the 4 boys climbed into the front, while the person driving walked to a car parked around the I followed him then when he was about to open the door I jumped on his back and started hitting him with a rock I found on the way.then he pushed me off and I screamed "your a murderer,die in hell,What did you do to my best friend" and then omg Charlie"Rachel was now talking fast and jumping on the spot, well on the step of the stairs.

"What!"I almost shouted getting excited and nervous.

"He took off his mask and it was Louise Tomlinson!"she said with a huge smile.

Rachel was a hug one direction while I was a huge 5sos fan she still liked 5sos and I still liked one direction we just had our favorites

"Omg! Tell me what happened next!"I asked excited

"Oh yeah,He was like"you followed me?" And then I was like "yeah cause your kidnapped my best friend" being as sassy as I could and he gave a loud huff then said "okay, come with me" he said running his hands through his hair and he looked so sexy Charlie" she said now fangirling

"Ray get on with the story"I pleaded

"Okay,okay so then I said "no,your just going to kill me" while I crossed my arms then he said "were not going to kill anyone, promise" he said being all cute so then I was like "why should I trust you" looking him up and down"please"he said giving me puppy dog eyes,like how could I turn him down"

"I don't know why you would,maybe because you'll get kidnapped" I said laughing to myself

"Oh Charlie I didn't care,it was Louie Tomlinson, so I gave a loud huff and then I started to scream to see how'd he react, then he put his hand over my mouth and said "please stop we're not going to hurt you or your friend just please get in the car" so I did and then we got on his private jet while I asked a load of questions he didn't answer"

"So your okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine"Rachel replied leaning against the banister

"Okay so go on what happened next"

"He dropped me down at this house while 5sos told me to wait upstairs, I presume he was telling them why I was here then they told me to come down and we played games as I asked about how you got here and they told me you were being sass because you didn't want to get out of the van is that true?" She asked pretending to be like Santa as we both laughed.

Rachel continued her story "I then went up to the bathroom and guess what,i got locked in the bathroom!"she said laughing as I joined in with her.

Luke came out of the to I was in last "oh its just you two we thought someone broke in and stole you two" luke said laughing.

"Oh so what like what you did to us" I said folding my arms, rachel rolled her eyes at me and smiled

"This one is packed full of sass" she said nudging me.

"I can see that"Luke said turning back to the room.

~Luke's POV~

Wow Charlotte packs a punch but I have to say I find it incredibly sexy how sassy she is as do the other boys think shes sexy too,Im pretty sure Calums her favorite but he sucks up to her and never gives us a chance to talk and he's muscly and tan I've got no chance but I have to find away to make me her favorite,which is hard considering there's three other boys fighting for her attention.

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