kidnapped ch.1

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Heyyy this is my 1st story,I share a 5sos preference book but that's all I've done and I really wanted to wright a fanfic,so here I go (^.^)


I woke up to here the annoying sound of an alarm going off.l was a bit confused cause my mam usually wakes me up but then i remembered she had work early today.

I sat there in bed thinking to myself if i should give myself another 5 minutes but then I released my hair was greasy so I had to have a shower.

After my morning routine(have breakfast, watch you tube videos, get changed into my horrible navy uniform ,pack school bag) I was ready for school.

I didn't mind school that much cause i had my 4 amazing friends,music and you tube to help me get through it.

I hung my bag on my back and put in my earphones,the first song that came on was rejects by 5 seconds of summer. I smiled to myself cause it was one of my favorite songs by them.

I walked down the ally way,I only walk through there because its a short cut to school and I'm already ten minutes late.The song changes to just saying and I nodded head to the beat.

Next thing I know a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist.I'm in the middle of screaming when someone else's hand covers my mouth.

I was pretty sure they we're a mans so i guessed the person dragging me somewhere was too so I just thought fast and jammed my elbow into their stomach.

They let go,yes!I turned around to someone with a black ski mask on,they looked scary af.

I thought fast again and kicked him where the sun don't shine.He bent down on the ground and moaned in pain.

I then remembered the other person. I turned around to see him just standing there,what is he not going to do anything to looked like it was up to me to do something so I just did the same thing and kicked him in his jewels.

He acted the exact same way so I jumped over him and ran to the end of the ally way,i was so sacred of what just happened.

Just as I got to the end two other men were there standing there in ski masks,wtf.

I panicked and tried to ran back the other way but the people I fought off were now stopping me.

Okay that was my first chapter hope you gals NAD guys liked it - :)

kidnapped a 5sos fanficWhere stories live. Discover now