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Next thing I knew michael crashed his lips into mine.I don't know how to react so I lightly kissed him back.

MICHAEL'S KISSING ME was all that was going though my head.

He pulled away,damn it.

"Your really pretty,like really pretty wait no your beautiful your so beautiful" he said resting his forehead on your, why does he have to be so cute!

"Your handsome... That sounds like I'm trying to be posh" I smiled to myself and then he smiled

"Your smile in contagious"he said resting his hands on my hips.

"Your cute" i said not really knowing how to reply.

"Em..I know this isn't really the time to discuss this but what about my clothes, ya know luke I don't really like my school uniform"I asked after a few silent seconds

"Oh yeah,I don't really know to be honest"

~calums POV~

Wtf was Michael playing at! I was the only one who saw cause Luke's in the bathroom and Ashton is too busy flirting with Rachel,so I don't think he'll care that much now he's got Rachel but when Luke comes back he'll be just as mad as I am.

I thought of all people  michael wouldn't have done that,we're best friends for goodness sake. Everyone knew that I liked her the most! I'm not mad at her for Michaels actions.He said he was just going to ask her if she wanted to play a game or something.

I'm going to get her back,I'm not letting michael steal my girl, I really thought I was her favorite but I guess not.

~Charlottes POV~

Me and michael were just talking about how it would be cool if the house was made of sweets when I  felt water hit the side of me,wtf.

"Ahhh!"I screamed my head tuned to see where the water had come from.


"Oh no you didn't" I said with angry face on but I think the huge smile gave it away that I wasn't really mad.

"Never fear for mike-ro-wave is here!" Michael said jumping in front of me.

I then saw the water bottle that was right beside me that Rachel used to get rid of the fly,there was only a little bit left but that was enough for me.

I grabbed it and through the water at luke but my aim was a little of and got ashton instead, and that was the beginning of a huge water fight cause calum brought in at leat 40 water bottle, don't ask me where they got them all.

When all the water ran out we sat there on the ground soaking wet,laughing at what just happened.

"Wait guy,Charlie and I have no clothes to change in to"Rachel said looking at her wet school uniform.

"You call her Charlie?"asked calum pointing at me.

"Yeah or Charles, don't you have nicknames too?"she asked fiddling with her school skirt.

"Yeah,I just thought you two didn't"Calum said shyly.

"Oh,well we do,I call her ray" I said smiling at Rachel

"Back to my question, what are me and Charlie going to wear?" Rachel asked egger to know the answer as was I.

"Well tomorrow we're going to bring you clothes shopping, yay,so I guess you can just wear ours for now" said luke standing up.

"But won't people know its you and two kidnapped people"I said pointing our well get caught.

"Well that's a good point" said michael scratching his neck.

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