Ch. 28

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I woke up with a thumping headache and to someone yelling. Where the hell was I?! I was pretty sure I was laying on a concert floor then all of a sudden the memories of when I was last awake came rushing back.

I slowly opened my eyes to see a worried looking Michael at least 6 inches away from my face but the narrowed eyes and a frown was soon replaced with huge smile.

"She's awake!" He chimed soon luke and Rachel were by my side

The words of yelling voice was now clear who is was and what they were saying. It was calum and occasionally Ashton, who didn't seem to be in this room as far as I knew, yelling what sounded like," just fucking let us go!" " we didn't know what were doing at the time!" And more things along that line some things didn't add up to me because I don't know shit bedsides that its all leads down to me.

I try to raise my head but it hurts a lot and I can't help but wincing.

"You'll be okay,it goes away within five minutes" Michael assured with a smile.

I couldn't help but want to kiss him, I know I know I have a things with calum,well at least I thank we do? Its just his lips are right there and he just looks so cute and might I add very kissable. He's one of my four Sunshine's its not my fault for wanting to kiss a guy who I'm still in love with,I'm gonna have to find away to keep my feelings for the rest of the bandmates under control.

I smiled back and asked the question that was practical jumping out of my mouth," what is going on guys? I don't want you tell me you can't tell me cause it's gotten to the point where you have to tell me-us! Please?"

Michael and Luke gave each other a questionable look then nooded.

"Maybe we should get comfortable first" Luke sighed

By now I felt fine and was sitting up against a wall in,which I can make out as a seller underground with no windows only 4 doggy lights, Rachel was sitting beside me with her legs crossed while looking intensely at the boys.

I felt like crying, for some reason all the emotions I had bottled down on this 'journey' like missing my family and being kidnapped believe it or not is brings up all the emotions that makes you just want to cry but there all coming up,right now!OMG this is so embarrassing, why does life hate me?!

I felt tears start to brim my eyes but no one seemed to notice,which I was glad of.

"Okay so it all started when we were in - " Luke got cute off by the door swinging open to reveal...


Next chapter will be up tonight or tomorrow, don't forget to comment and favourite

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