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Omg! Wattpad just deleted everything I wrote ugh!here I go again.

~charlies POV~

I ran up the stairs and followed the directions calum gave me.

The plan buzzing I'm my brain,it wasn't really even a plan I just wanted to go up and look online on what ever Rachel was using to order clothes of off.

There was hundreds of questions running through my brain when calum said Rachel was ordering online; what about us not being allowed be to have contact with the world?does she have a phone? Is it only me not allowed to have a phone?is she in on what's happening?

I ran into the room and closed the door not even looking in the room just wanting to spill about how I met all time low in my underwear and how they own a gun must most of all I wanted to see if we could see what's going on in the world even though its not even two days.

I walked in not expecting to see what I was about to see.

Rachle and Ashton making out.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry, I'll go now, sorry"I said not wanting to interrupt them any further.

"No your fine, I have go down to the boys now anyways,bye Rachel"Ashton said kissing her on the head then gave me a nod and left.

"Omg,ahhhh, you just kissed Ashton Fletcher Irwin from five seconds of summer!"I screamed at her.

"I know!ahh"she screamed.

We then fangirled about it then I told her about the gun and me in my underwear while she gasped and laughed.

Then I remembered the laptop.

"Rachel the laptop!" I said as I ran towards it.

"Charlie Ashton done something so in was stuck on that website"she said sinking into the bed.

I only was now taking in my surroundings.there was two beds that were really comfy,bean bags and pillows were scattered around the room with a cool hanging chair. There was a door leading to a bathroom that i haven't been in yet and a walk in wardrobe with no clothes in it yet. One wall was a huge chalk board with load of band that I love and the rest of the room was a turquoise blue;and there was a ladder that lead to a huge bed with a projector!
( I put a picture up (^.^) )

O.M.G this is the coolest room ever, there was just one thing why was there two beds when they all were going to kidnap one person?

Rachel pulled the laptop on to her lap and showed me that we couldnt get of that website so we ordered a load of clothes each.

It was now 2am so we both went to our bed as we were in the huge bed.

I tossed and turned as I remembered everything that's happened since I was kidnapped.

I heard the door open as I let in light,rachel was fast asleep not noticing it.

I grabbed a pillow and then turned around to face the door and through the pillow at the shadow standing there.

"Really? A pillow? That's not going to stop anyone" calum whispered while shouting the door behind him.

"What are you doing up its like...I don't know what time it is but its late"I said as calum approached me.

"I think I should be asking you that question"he said lifting up the duvet climbing in next to me as I moved over so he'd have more space.

"What are you talking about?"I asked confused about what he was talking about.

"I could here you moving in your bed, you were my room is right next to yours"he said tapping on the wall.

"How did you no it was me and not rachel"I said as we were now cuddling.

"I heard you talking more clearly than rachel when both of you went to bed so I presume you took the bed closest to my room and then I could here you tossing and turning so I decided to come in and help you get to sleep" he said and kissed me on my forehead"and I kinda wanted to cuddle you"he said sticking out his bottom lip.

"So you're a detective, finding out whos sleeping where and how to get cuddles"I said now proper cuddling.

"Your so cuddly"he said playing with a strand of hair

"Your really cuddly too and cute"I said now finding myself getting sleepier.

"Your getting sleepy now aren't you"he said still playing with random strands of hair.

"yeah"I said finding myself drift off.

"Night baby"was the last thing I heard along with a kiss on my nose as I feel into a deep sleep

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