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Bitch, pick up the phone!
Stop what your doing and pick up the phone!
Bitch, pick-

I woke up to Caitlin's phone ringing. Yes, that's her actual ringtone.
"Yes mom?...were fine mom...ok mom...love you too mom...see you in a week mom...bye mom." Caitlin dropped her phone and got up out of bed. "Parents!" I just laughed at Caitlin. "I can't believe that's your ring tone!" I said giggling. "Yup!" She said popping the 'p'. "Well only for my mom, otherwise it's just the typical iPhone ringtone." Ahhh... I shrugged my shoulders and got up as well. I grabbed my towel and bath stuff and went into the bathroom. I had a quick shower then got out. I put on my bra and panties. Then blow dried my hair and keeping it natural, as it was still curly. I put a red tank top on with a white see-through crop top over. Red high-waisted skinny jeans. To finish it off my grey combat boots. I put a white snood scarf around my neck and a blue denim waist coat. I kept my make up natural. I came out of the bathroom and saw Caitlin straightened her wavy hair, she wore a black band T, low waisted jeans with black Jordan's. It's times like this that make her look like a tomboy. "Wow! You like nice and I look like a hobo!" I laughed, "you look fine. Were driving all day anyways." She shrugged and grabbed her stuff. I followed her lead and we put our stuff in the car before checking out. We got in the car and drove back onto the road. "So are you going to tell me where were going?" Caitlin asked, intrigued. "Were going to Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park." I smirked as it took her a while to realise. "OH MY GOD!" She screamed. I threw my head back and laughed. I quickly composed my self as I saw the turn off for the hotel we were going to stay at. "Okay so were staying at this hotel tonight and tomorrow night, tomorrow night were going Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park. Then were off to the beach Friday, and Sunday were going to any theme park on the way home then home we go." As I finished we pulled up to the hotel. "So wait, wait, just to be clear were going Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park tomorrow, riigghht?" She dragged out the right as we got out the car and take the luggage out the car to let valet take the car round. I told Caitlin to wait by the elevator, she looked like a typical teen in a 5 star hotel. The receptionist was a lady in at least her early 20's. "Hello, I booked a twin suite?" I asked politely. She smiled and typed away on her computer, "name, please?" She gave me a smile, I knew was forced. "Oh yes, Chyna Ja'nieve." She nodded doing something on the computer before handing me two card keys. "Hope you enjoy your stay at Perfect Sleep Hotel(a/n kinda lame name, don't think it's real) have a nice day." I smiled and said a thank you heading to the elevators. As I approached I saw Caitlin talking to some dude. I just stood there awkwardly.
"Yeah, I'll call you sometime." The boy said to Caitlin showing a perfect white smile. "Ok, I'll see you around?" The boy nodded and they parted their ways. Caitlin turned around with what looked like cream on her T-shirt. "Two things, one cream on shirt? And whose the boy?" I asked the second one wiggling my eyebrows. "Well, he spilt his hot chocolate on me, which had cream on and I gave him my number."
I nodded and stepped into the fancy looking elevator. "Ok, well I'm starving so let's freshen up and then go for some food?" She nodded eagerly. We went right up to the 100th floor and walked all the way to the end, where we stayed in tree-top suite. I opened one off the double doors and stood there with my mouth wide open. I may or may not have used my daddy's credit card for the room. It costed $3952 per night. That's not including breakfast and that.
As you walked in there's a table with a bouquet of flowers, lilies to be exact, behind it is a floor to ceiling window off the town, as you turn to the left of the door there's a plasma t.v and two couches. There's a set off double doors and a balcony showing the view of the forest. Through the double doors were the bathroom. On the right side of the door was a mini bar and fridge. Then two sets of double doors. Through the first one was the first bedroom with a king sized bed with a walk in closet and en'suite. The second door was the second bedroom with the same bed and just a walk in closet. "WoW!" Me and Caitlin said at the same time. I looked at her then the door with the en'suite, "BugsyDonaldDuckloveddaffneywhilstmickywasbangingminnie" We both turned at touched the floor at the same time. We both got up and done the spin again, this time she touched the floor first. I huffed whilst she cheered, "I get the big room, you get the small one!" I just poked my tongue out at her then went into my room and unpacked my clothes. When I was done I went into the living room and put the t.v on waiting for Caitlin.
Soon after she came out in a white top, black skinny jeans and black high tops, her hair straightened still, with a leather jacket on. "Dress to impress?" I said wiggling my eyebrows. She just laughed. "Let's get some food!" I said excited, as i was STARVING! caitlin just rolled her eyes. We went downstairs to the valet so, I could get the car. when we got the car i put the key in the ignition and once caitlin was in the car we were off to the nearset diner, as they have nicer food at decent prices. "Im paying this time." Caitlin said, I shrugged. I mean, I'm getting free food! when we got to the diner is was busy, but not too busy. We got a seat and ordered our food. By the time we were done it was ten-to-six! "Wow, the days gone so quick!" I nodded agreeing. We walked down the road looking around the town. "Hi, you guys lost?" We turned to a girl around our age with red hair and black square glasses. "No, just having a look round." Caitlin said in kind tone. I held my hand out and introduced us. "Hi my names Chyna, this is my best friend Caitlin." The girl smiled. "My names Shannon. I'm guessing your not from round here?" She asked tugging at the end of her sweatshirt sleeve. "That obvious?" Caitlin said in a joking way, Shannon looked down and slowly nodded her head. "Well, you're, talking to me, so..." She trailed off, I looked at caitlin then back at shannon. "What do you mean?" We asked at the same time. She just shook her head. "I've got to go, now. School tomorrow." Me and Caitlin nodded. "Do you have kik or something? Maybe we could meet up some time?" I asked nicely. She smiled and nodded getting out her phone. we exchanged numbers and parted ways. By now it was half six. I saw an ice cream parlour and made my way in with caitlin on my heels. There was a group of jocks in the corner, eyeing up me and caitlin. Me and caitlin shook our heads and ordered our ice cream and made our way back to my car to go to the hotel then bed.

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