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I finished my drink and sat there staring at them. "What have I missed then?" Caitlin squished me in a hug. "I know it wasn't you!" she whispered in my ear. "What?" She gave me a look that said 'I will tell you when we're on our own.' I nodded then looked at xavier. He look a mess! His hair was pointing in all directions. His eyes were tired and I could smell him from my bed. I didn't mind though, it just proves that he cared enough to stay. "We should probably tell the doctor I'm awake." They nodded. Xavier went to go get the doctor. Caitlin then took his space and leant on the bed. I stared down at my hands and was taken aback when Caitlin hugged me...again. "Who was it?" she asked again I was taken aback. I was expecting the question, 'why did you do it?' "What?" she gave me a flat look then tilted her head a little. "Who cut you and tried to drown you?" I blinked back tears. "H-how do y-you know it wasn't m-me?" I stuttered. "Because if it was you there would, one, be a bloody knife in your house which there was not! Two, their would be blood trails from your arms, and three, the taps were still on!" I laughed a dry laugh. "What has the taps got to do with anything?" She rolled her eyes and sat on the bed, after pushing my legs over. "You have OCD you would turn them off." I laughed and nodded slowly, "shit! you know me to well" she smiled. "I'm glad you haven't changed." She gave me, yet, another hug. "Well it was a man." She pulled back looking confused, "the person who did it, was a man. He was wearing all black." She gasped and nodded her head for me to carry on but before I could the doctor came in. "Afternoon miss-" I cut him of, "please call me chyna," he nodded. "Chyna, seems your very lucky to have waken up." I smiled a small smile. "I had something to wake for." He scoffed. "I didn't attempt suicide!" I spat at him whilst giving him the best glare I could muster. "Yes-"
"No!" I turned to caitlin, "could you be a dear and call the police, I would like to make a statement." She nodded and got up and went outside, not 5 more minutes later she came back in with two police officers. "Have you guys been here the whole time?" I asked politely, with a raised eyebrow. The women officer smiled. "Yes, we believe that your incident wasn't an attempted suicide. Am I right in believing this?" Thank you!
"Your assumption is correct ma'am" I said with relief. "When I make my statement would it be alright if he," I glared at the doctor, "and my best friend Caitlin stay?" the male officer, I saw his name tag say he was named Terry, snickered but coughed to cover it. "Yes, that's fine." He said with amusement clear in his voice. I moved over a little and Caitlin sat down next to me. She rested her head on my pillow. I just shook my head then turned to the officers. "Okay," I took a deep breath as the memories came back. "I would actually like to make two statements. One about the incident and one" I looked at Caitlin and she immidantly clocked on. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder. And gave it a comfort squeeze. The lady officer, Lana, nodded and gave a stern look to officer Terry. "Go on," he encouraged. "Okay! When I was six my mother died, from cancer and my father, started to beat me. He came home drunk and threw me across the room. I hit the wall and was knocked out. And ever since every night he comes home drink and hits me. If you look at my medical records, you will see I have had breaks in my neck, leg, arm, wrist and foot. They have been put down to cheerleading, as I am a cheerleader but in actual fact he has been hitting me that hard. The last time he hurt me I snapped and I know I could also get done but I had had enough of his shit that I hit him back and beat him until his face was red, conscious, then ruined everything that could actually make him loose his job." I looked up with silent tears rolling down my cheeks. I saw Lana recording everything. "And to be honest I don't regret any of it." I gave a dry laugh. "Do you think that your father could have anything to do with your incident?" I scoffed, "without a doubt. To be honest I think it was him the whole time. When I was ten he said "I wish you were dead!" I never thought he would pay a guy to get rid of me though."
"What do you mean 'pay a guy to get rid of you'?"
"Well that's how my second state meant comes into all of this. I was at the mall with my mates when Caitlin's boyfriend-" she coughed. "My ex boyfriend, turns out his a total assworm!" I laughed "sorry her ex boyfriend Had said something that pushed me to the limit"
"What did he say?"
"That I was naive and I have spent my whole life trying to stay away from being naive because it would give my daddy another reason to beat me! Anyway, I ran out of the mall and was going to just runaway but I needed money and clothes so I went home before doing a runner when I got to my room the door was busted. You see I have to lock my door, any who, I went in and there was a man, say about 6'10" and he was holding a knife, I asked him who he was and what he wanted, very naive of me, but I just didn't and don't care anymore. He said to me "Well I've had orders to get rid of you!" And I instantly knew my dad gave those orders, his just to coward to do it all on his own. He then grabbed my hair and through me into the bath, I felt him cutting my arms but he pushed my head into the water so I couldn't fight, I had no energy or enough oxygen in me to. I then heard Caitlin call me and the man fled but I don't remember anything else as I blacked out." Lana nodded, "did you see this mans face?" I shook my head, "he was wearing a ski mask." I wiped my cheeks from all the fallen tears. I looked at the doctor who gave me a apologetic look. I just nodded. "Okay thank you chyna." Lana and terry stood up. "When was the last time you saw your dad?" Terry asked hesitantly. "The night before the incident." I said looking at Caitlin. "He hasn't been here either." I let out a emotionless laugh. "See doesn't even care enough, probably thought I'd die and he wouldn't be caught." Lana gave me a sad smile. "Sorry, here's my card, call me if he hits you ever again, but I think we have what we need and we would be grateful if you didn't try leave the state, city or country please?" I nodded taking her card. Where the fuck would I go!

--//authors note\\--
Hey guys sorry for the late update, I'm working on a new book, it's a werewolf one but I'm not uploading it yet I will leave a note when I will.
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Chey x

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