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Chyna's P.O.V
'Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life?
Say yes, say yes cause I need to know
You say I'll never get your blessing 'til the day I die
Tough luck, my friend, but the answer is 'No'
Why you gotta be so rude?
Don't you know I'm human too?
Why you gotta be so rude?
I'm gonna marry her anyway''

I woke up to my annoying radio alarm clock. I groaned as I turned it off by slamming my hand down on it. I sat up and stretched with places popping and clicking. I reluctantly got up from my comfy queen size bed and walked over to my floor to ceiling mirror. "Right what's the damage today?" I whispered to myself. I still had a bruising eye from Friday's beating from daddy. Last night I got another beating because he missed the deadline to some crap! I have a scar that goes from my elbow till my shoulder on my right arm. That he did on my birthday less than a year ago. Said to the doctors and police that I tried doing a backflip and cut my arm open. I went along, he actually done it with a knife. Any who... Last night's beating has left me with a bruised pinkie finger, hand marks on my inner thigh, no he didn't rape me. I also had a busted lip. I sighed and got into the shower in my en'suite. Once I was done I went into my walk in closet and applied the make up to cover my bruises, topped with winged eyeliner, mascara and matte red lipstick, not slutty red but a nice respectable red. I put my Victoria secret red, lace matching bra and panties on. I then blow dried my hair letting it down in its natural curls. I then put my red, strapless summer dress that stopped just above the knee. I pulled my black leather jacket on with my black ankle boots.

I looked myself in the mirror, 'sexy!' was the word I thought. I grabbed my school bag, putting my gold iPhone5s, wallet and makeup bag in. I went downstairs grabbed a fruit bar and went out to my red audie TT convertible, then drove off to school.

When I got there I saw my best friend, Caitlin, she had dirty blonde hair, same height as me, 5'6". She had on a blue crop top on, showing of her toned stomach and belly piercing we both got done on our 14th birthdays. She word white denim shorts, just below her butt. With her white cow girl ankle boots. "Hey Chyna! How was your weekend?" Terrible! My dad hits me and I can't tell anyone! "It was fine how about yours?" she smirked, "I hooked up with Brandon!" Brandon is my boyfriend, Xavier's, best friend. "Wow really? You know his had a crush on you since like, 6th or 7th grade!" she blushed, "how d'you know?" I snorted in a very un-lady like way, "it's so obvious even Xav, thinks so, and they're best mates!" she blushed even redder. "What do I think babe?" I turned round to see Xavier. He had a light brown almost golden coloured hair, hazel eyes, a typical footballers build and stood at about, 6'1. "How you think Brandon likes Caitlin!" He chuckled and winked at me whilst snaking his arm around my waist, "definitely! He is mute around you and he is never! May I repeat never quiet, in fact half the time it's hard to shut the boy up!" Just then Brandon walked over and went straight to Caitlin. "Come on princess, let's give them some privacy!" Xavier whispered in my ear whilst pulling me towards the school building.

"How was your dad?" Xavier is the only one who knows about my dad hitting me. He saw it happen three years ago.

-Three years ago-

Xavier came round mine for a 'study' date. He had just asked me out that day. "Come on...Chyna x squared times 3 equals what?" I have a very bad math phobia, where I can't solve the problems even if my life depended on it! "I don't know xav!" I said falling back into my bed. Just as I was about to get up I heard the front door slam. I could feel the blood drain from my face. "Chyna what's wrong? Babe?" Xavier's voice made me snap out of the daze I was in. "Xav you need to hide! Quick go into the bathroom!" he got up and walked to me caressing my cheeks in his hand "what's a matter?" He asked calmly. "My dad's home! Hide!" I was pleading him with my eyes he nodded and ran to the bathroom. He shut the door as my dad came in.

Xavier's P.O.V

I couldn't understand why Chyna was afraid of me meeting her pops. I opened the door so I could see what was going on. "Well...if isn't the bitch who made her mom die!" how could a father say that about his daughter! The next think I heard was a loud slap them thud. I looked at what was happening and saw Chyna holding her cheek and silently crying. "Daddy! I didn't make her die! Cancer did!" she backed herself up, but she spat the word Daddy with so much venom. After about 15 minutes of watching this monster hurt the girl of my dreams he finally left and I ran straight to her. She had a cut on her head and lip she had a red cheek and I think a broken wrist. "Baby! How long has this gone on for!?" She sniffed. "S-since I was a-about...s-six when m-my mom d-died!" That's..."that's disgraceful! Why haven't you told anyone?" She shrugged, "he's all I have left!" I pulled her gently into a hug. "You have me!" She looked up at me, she looked so venerable.

-Present day-

Chyna's P.O.V

I was pulled from the memory when I heard the bell. "He gave me a black eye and a few bruises. He sighed and pulled me close to him. "Soon! I will get you away!" He comforted me, "I promise!" He whispered the last part before we headed off to English.

Before I knew it, it was lunch time.

I got a salad, chocolate milkshake and a fruit bag. I went over to the 'popular' table. Which basically consisted off the whole cheer squad except certain people and the football team again except the odd person who sat elsewhere. "You're coming practice tonight?" One of my friends, Kieran asked. She was Indian-American. She is really funny and very random. I smiled at her, "yeah!" she nodded once before turning to her boyfriend, Austin. He played the tight end position in our football team.

"How would you like to go on a double date?" Caitlin asked all of a sudden. I turned and she was beaming, her smile was so big I thought her face was gonna break! "Sure who's the lucky guy?" She leaned in and whispered his name in my ear, "Brandon!" I couldn't stop the squeal that came out. "Yes!" I said automatically, "text the deets. Xav and I will meet you." She nodded and started talking to some girl from the squad.

After school was practice, coach was setting up the mats whilst us girls got changed into a sports bra, tank tops and shorts. When we went outside I saw the football team and Xavier had his shirt off! His six pack on full show! Including his 'v' line, which...God don't get me started! "He is sugar candy ain't he? Gosh, what does he see in you!" I turned to see my enemy since 8th grade, Gabi. "Class obviously! I mean think about it why would he want to go out with someone that will fuck anything that has a dick!" She gasped in shock whilst I just smirked. She raised her hand and just as she was about to swing it, I grabbed and twisted it. I heard a snap and walked over to coach, "coach, Gabi seems to have an injured arm!" coach nodded and sent her of to infirmary. "Pyramid! Kieran, lily, Jessica and Chloe on all fours, Katy, amber and angel on top of them, Caitlin and Rebecca on them and finally Chyna on top, flip into chases arms to start the routine of.

-1 hour later-

After practice I went home and jumped straight into the shower. I got changed into sweats and a tank and went into my home cinema and watched pitch perfect. My dad was away on a business trip, thank the lord!

Right in the middle of the movie I felt my phone ring it was a blocked number,

"Hello and why is your number blocked?"

"Listen here-" as soon as I heard Gabi's voice I ended the call.

I must've fallen asleep because I woke up with a smirking Caitlin looking down at me. I clapped, turning the lights on and she gasped pointing at my eye. "What?" I got up and ran to the mirror "shit!" I forgot, my shower washed of the makeup and I invited her over. "Spill! I know when you're lying!" I sighed, there's no point in fighting with this chick!

I sat down and explained everything. "Your dad does and/or done this!" I nodded. "Sweet! Tell someone!" "Who will believe me Cait? He is a millionaire!" She nodded in understanding. "I'm sorry Chyna!" She said hugging me. I just shrugged.

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