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"Babe?" I looked at xavier. I nodded to tired to speak. "Wanna know something?" I nodded slowly. What could it be? "You know the cop, Terry?" Again, I nodded, "he's my dad!" I smiled and felt my cheeks blush. "Can you get Caitlin please?" He nodded and stood up. When Caitlin came in, she hugged me for like the millionth time since I woke up. I gave Caitlin, a I-want-to-talk-to-you-alone look. She shooed xav out the door. "IthinkthatofficerterrywastheonewhobrokeintomyhousebutidontknowifIshouldsayanythingbecauseheisxaviersdad!" Her expression was blank but I could see the screws turning in her head. she kept opening her mouth then closing it like a fish. "How-Are you-Say that again...but slower..." I took a deep breath. "I said, I think that officer terry was the one who broke into my house but I don't know if I should say any thing because he is xaviers dad!" "But why would he hurt you? He doesn't even know you!" I shrugged. "Maybe it wasn't. But his voice...just sound so familiar." Caitlin sat there for a moment, "maybe you heard him over the phone." I nodded and just as I was about to say anything more the nurse came in with my 'dinner' "I'm sorry visiting hours are finished." We nodded. At that point xav came in, with a double cheese burger and fries with a chocolate milkshake from McDonald's. "You. Are. God!" I said pushing my 'dinner' away. I took the McDonald's and gave a kiss good bye to xav. And hug to caits. "Love you both!" They said love you to and I was left alone in the room. I pushed my table away and pulled my knees up to my chest. My lungs still hurt, it's hard to breath still. I looked down at the bandages wrapped round my lower arms, 'why me? Why did I get the bastard father?' I thought to myself. It hurt to know that my own father did this to me. He is the reason I'm in here, he's the reason I'm depressed. He's the reason my children will wonder what these scars on my arms are. Every night I cry and asked myself these questions. I would cry myself to sleep, every single night. It's not till recently I have had people with me, to help me through all this horse shit! I felt the tears build up in my eyes again but I blinked them back. 'I won't cry because off anyone, ever again! Especially that bastard.' I vowed to myself before lying down, allowing the darkness consume me.

'I was in the woods, running, my lungs burning. I tripped over a branch, but scrambled straight back up. "HELP?! ANYONE?!" I shouted. I heard an evil laugh from behind me. I could see the edge of the Clift coming up. I turned to see know one was there. I was in a small clearing. "Who are you?" I took deep breaths. I was gasping for water. Sweat dripped down my neck. My hair stuck to my neck. I heard a twig snap. I turned to see who was there, but it was clear. I turned and ran toward the Clift edge. I stopped to see just water. 'The sea' i thought. "Chyna?" I turned in a circle recognising the voice. I just can't pin point who's voice it is. "Who are you?" I shouted to no one. "Don't you know my voice?" The voice replied, sounding hurt. "I don't know!" I said stressed. "I-I just want to know what you want with me!" I heard a sniffle.

I turned to see the woman i didn't think I'd remember. But I do, from her soft grey eyes to her simple blue suede shoes. Her plump, pink lips in smile. Her button nose was red, as if she was ill. She had a tan so nice it was as if she was glowing. She stood around 5'9" she wore a navy blue sundress with a lighter blue sweater. Her auburn Curley, neck length, hair. Her face had aged but her similarities the same. This women, I hadn't had a dream about for almost 9 years, pops back and my heart breaks all over again.

It's not till now, "I miss you!" I say aloud. She smiles even brighter and steps a small step forward. "I'm always with you chyna!" She replies. "I'm never far away from you" I was meant to take a step forward but instead I took tripped and fell backwards. I screamed.'

I woke up screaming and the nurses rushing in. Sweat all stuck to my neck, arms and back. I was panting. I felt my face, it was wet. Tears.

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