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They took a pint of blood every hour. For four hours. To say I was drained was an understatement. They were worried about me so they brought me one of them uncomfortable fold up beds to sleep on over night. I couldn't really sleep as questions ran threw my head about the day's events. Then I remembered Steve's phone. I dialled Xavier's number.

"Hello?" He sounded tired.
"Did I wake you up?" I whispered because of Shannon.
"No baby girl, why you whispering?" I smiled as he said baby girl.
"I'm in the hospital." I realised my mistake so I quickly added, "its Shannon, not for me." He let out a breath.
"Wait, who's Shannon and why is she in hospital?"
"Shannon is a girl me and Caitlin met on our road trip. She was hit by a truck last week, I was on my way to see her when I heard she's in hospital and well here I am."
"Right. Do you want me to come in the morning?" I shook my head knowing he couldn't see me,
"No, I just thought you should know. And call me on this phone." I yawned. He laughed.
"Okay, night beautiful."
With that I hung up and I don't actually remember falling asleep.

I woke up to distant beeping. I looked around and remembered where I was. I got up and ran down to my car to get some clean clothes and my toothbrush and toothpaste. I got back up to where Shannon was, she was still sleeping. I sighed and went to the bathroom. I came out wearing a crop top that said LoVe, booty shorts with black vans. I brushed my hair and shoved it up into a messy bun. I got back into the room and saw they hooked Shannon up with the blood I donated. She didn't look as pale and the bruises from where her stitches are we're going a yellowy Colour. I'm was playing a game on the iPad when the doctor came in. "Hello, I didn't catch your name last night?" I smiled and thought, I didn't throw it. But decided against saying it, so instead I said, "its chyna. Is the blood helping?" He smiled. "Yes, we reckon she should wake up maybe early evening tonight or possibly early morning tomorrow." I nodded. I got a call from that women, she booked an appointment for 1:00 in the afternoon. In three hours. I got up and left my clothes and that here. I went to the front desk. "I've got to run some errands could you please call me if there is any change?" The receptionist smiled, nodded and took down my details.
I got in the car and went to the nearest hotel. I booked a room for three nights. I put all my stuff in the hotel room and started my journey back to steves. When I got there a little over three hours the mom imposter was waiting stamping her foot. "Your late!" I shrugged and waited for her to get in. She got in and we made our way to the clinic. I won't bore you with the details. Cause they're that! B. O. R. I. N. G. Boring! The doctor took a sample of our dna and sent them off to be tested. I had to stay another hour to wait for the results. All the while I sat there thinking the same thing. "What if she is my mom?" Why has my life got to be the fucked up one? Can't it be normal, like Xavier's or Caitlin's. No I have to have the mom who apparently died 10 years ago and is now alive, live with the drunk daddy who beat me but now he possibly isn't my daddy at all but moms fuck buddy. Yes, one normal life here! Note the sarcasm. I could just scream. When our name was called my confident defence dropped. I couldn't get up. It was like I was super glued to my chair. "Chyna? You coming?" I shook my head. "I-I don't know if I want to know.." She looked like a slapped her. "What do mean?" She asked, stupidly. I huffed. "Well you've gone ten years, letting me think you were dead! Why come now?" She looked gobsmacked, then realised people were watching. "lets talk about it at home." She said in a hushed tone. "That's not my home, my home is in carson city. With Xavier." I got up and went the opposite way, to the exit. "Chyna!" I ignored her. "Chyna!" I turned, "WHAT?" I yelled. "The results?" She said with a smirk. I shrugged with a smirk of my own. "I've gone ten years with out a mom, what's 70 odd more gonna change?" I said and turned out of the clinic. I heard heels running behind me. "I'm sorry chyna! I came back because the cancers come back!" I whipped round. "So, what? You want my pity? You should've just stayed dead! Then I wouldn't have to put up with this shit!" I said tears threatening to fall. She had tears rolling down her cheeks. I have her a twenty. "Catch a cab or call steve, I don't care, I'm going back to Shannon!" I turned and saw Steve standing next to my car with he's arms crossed. He had a letter sticking out of he's Jean pockets. I have him a sad smile, "I'm sorry." He nodded and gave me the letter. He gave me a hug. "Take care Chyna." I nodded and said a thanks. With the letter in my hand I climbed in my car and made my way back to the hospital.
I got there four hours later. I was drained and moody. I just don't care anymore. I went straight to Shannon's room. There was someone sitting in my chair. "Who are you?" They stood up and I knew who it was. Her eyes were puffy. Not to be rude but she looked like crap! "C-Caitlin?" She nodded and smiled. I ran and gave her a hug. "I'm so sorry, Caitlin." This earned me a slap. "Don't you ever scare me like that again!" Then she started crying and I took her into a hug again. "I thought I wouldn't see my sister ever again! And the note in the birthday card! Do you know how shit my birthday was! Chyna, God I should hit you!" I laughed a sad laugh. She looked so vulnerable. "Then I get Xavier come to my door telling me your here and about Shannon and I had to make my way here." I looked at the sleeping Shannon. "Sit down and I'll explain everything." She nodded. I sat and explained why I left, how I went to my moms grave and saw steve and what he said and all the events. She just sat and listened with her mouth on the ground. "Could this get anymore confusing?" She finally said. I shrugged my shoulders, "I hope not." She nodded. "Do you want your mom back?" I shrugged and played with the sleeve of my hoodie. "And you want Dylan or Steve as your dad?" I shrugged. "Well, I always thought I wanted a different daddy... I use to wish for my mom to come back but that women, whether she really is my mom, she's not what I imagined her to be. At all." Caitlin nodded. We heard a groan and both our heads shot to Shannon. "How, is anyone meant to sleep if your both nagging?" Her voice was groggy and scratchy. "Shannon!" I screamed and ran over the bed pouring her some water. "Thanks." I nodded. Caitlin stood by my side. "Do you remember what happened?" Caitlin asked, worried. "Um, you guys dropped me off home after school, we said good bye and I went inside. My moms dealer was at the house demanding the money she owed him. She didn't have it so she lashed out on me. So I ran out and I heard a honk and well, I wake up to you two nagging." She doesn't remember getting hit by the truck. "Why am I in hospital?" She asked and of course Caitlin didn't know either so they both looked at me. "Y-you got hit by a truck, Shannon."

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