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Her face held shock, "w-what?" She asked, looking at me with her light hazel brown eyes. They were glossy, meaning she was gonna cry. I nodded and refused to cry, staying strong for her would -hopefully- help her calm. Her heart monitor picked up her heart rate picking up. "Shannon calm down, your ok! Chyna gave you blood." Her heart rate slowly decreased. "Chyna?" I looked up at her again and nodded for her to carry on. "Is that true?" She said with a small smile. I shook my head, her smile faded. "I gave four pints of it." Her jaw dropped. "Your welcome." She shook her head and started thanking me. "It's fine, just get some rest shan, Ive gotta go make a quick phone call and then I'll tell the doctor your awake, ok?" She nodded. "Could you get me some Starbucks?" I burst into laughter. "What would you like?" I said trying to calm my giggles, she sighed before telling me. "Can I have a caramel frappuccino please?" I nodded and looked at Caitlin, "coffee frappuccino with extra whip cream and chocolate shavings?" We asked each other at the same time. Then we burst into fits of laughter. Before she said, "You know me well young one." I bumped her shoulder, "your older then me by two weeks!" And won't let me forget it. I added in my head. She winked and got something out of her purse. I didn't see it as I turned out of the room. As soon as I was out the room I bumped into someone. They spilt their drink on me. "Fuck! Your paying for my dry cleaning!" "Oh my! I'm so sorry!" We said at the same time. I looked up and saw a boy maybe a year older than me. "I will! Seriously, I'm so sorry! I'm looking for a girl." I snorted. He blushed. "Her name's Shannon Trey!" I raised my eyebrow and pulled my shirt off, luckily I chose to wear a flannel shirt round my waist. Which I put on over my sports bra. "Sorry, whose asking?"
"Me, do you know her or not?" He sounded like he could punch someone. Yet he looked calm, which scared me. Although, he looked like her. Only a much defined jaw line, thinner lips. But he's eyes, the same light hazel. "Are you her brother or something?" I asked aloud. I slapped my hand over my mouth. "Half brother, same dad." I nodded. I was about to speak when my phone rung.
Steve. Great...not!
I ignored it. "Can I make a quick phone call?" He sighed but nodded. I dialled one number I thought I wouldn't.
It rung.

"Hello?" He answered.
"I-it's chyna, we need to talk, daddy..." I heard him sigh then a bang and an 'ow' followed after.
"Chyna! I've been worried sick!"
"You have?"
"Yes, your my daugh-"
"Stop! That's why I called."
"Huh?" I took a deep breath.
"I didn't catch that, where are you Chyna?"
"Ugh! Never mind bye" before he could say anything else I hung up.

I looked at the dude who was standing there anxiously. "Follow me and I'll explain everything." He hesitated but followed me to the lift. He looked at me expectantly. "Last week me and my friend, Caitlin, drove up here and we bumped into Shannon." I explained everything. By the time I was finished we had made it to Starbucks. "So that pothead had been entrusted with Shannon and instead she pushed her to limits!" I nodded. I ordered my drink and the girls. "Want one?" He shook his head. "So who are you?" He asked. "Oh, right. We haven't actually introduced ourselves." He smiled. "I'm Chyna." I held my hand out to him. "Bellamy." He shook my hand. "So what's your story?" He blew a breath. "Well my dad cheated on my mom with Shannon's mom and boom Shannon was made. Dad tried fighting custody of Shannon when she was born. But for some reason mom didn't want her and he just abandoned them. I met Shannon in middle school, didn't know she was my sister until I invited her round for dinner. Then we stayed in touch and we lost touch on like Friday and I knew something was up. And well here I am." I nodded and thought over what he said. Our drinks came, I payed and we made our way back up. "So your freshman in college?" He nodded. "You senior in high school?" I nodded. "Got yourself a boyfriend?" Has this turned into twenty questions?" I nodded and gave a sad smile as I thought of xav. I hadn't realised how much I missed him until now. I felt a tear roll down my face. "Yeah, I miss him." He gave me a smile. "Yeah, I miss mine as well." My head shot up. "Huh?" He nodded. "I'm gay." I did not see that coming! I didn't know what to say so I just nodded.

Before I knew it we were back on the ward. I saw the doctor and told him she was awake. To say he was shocked was understatement. I knocked on the door. "There's someone here to see you Shannon." I said coming in. I saw she had changed into sweats. "It's about time where have you-" she looked up and saw Bellamy. "Bell? W-what are you doing here?" I put the drinks down and started drinking my hot coco. "Caitlin let's leave them some privacy." She nodded. "Have you seen xav since I left?" She nodded. "Chyna, I understand why you left, I just couldn't believe you did." I stopped in my tracks. "What do you mean?" She turned. "Chyna, all our lives you've said you'd get away but you promised you would stay and leave with me." She started walking to the elevator. I ran after her. "When we were six, Chyna. You said when times get-"
"Get rough it would be you who come with me and get away. I know. I just needed some alone time. I love you! And you know that! I just, I was over whelmed." She nodded and looked down. "Caitlin?" I groaned and walked out when the doors opened. "Chyna! You know what I meant." I nodded and got into my car. Caitlin got in as well. I drove to the hotel and seeing the one person I didn't expect standing there. I got out and ran to him.
"Jamie!" I screamed. Caitlin groaned at the same time.

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