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Xavier's P.O.V

We're now down at the station in my dads office. I'm pacing up and down the room whilst my dad is typing away on the keyboard vigorously. "Anything?" I asked for a bout the 200th time. "Nothing different from the last ten seconds ago when you asked." My dad said through clenched teeth. "I think I'm annoying you. I am Aren't I?" I asked. He nodded. I stepped out and messaged her on Facebook for the 6th time. They're going through. "Please be ok!" I whispered to myself. "Xavier!" My dad called. "We found him. Steven Donald." He said turning the screen round to show me a man in his early thirties. Blonde hair, a very toned face, thin lips green as the grass eyes. "Is there a number?" Dads eyes searched the screen landing on what I'm presuming a number. "Yeah," he started tying into phone. It was on loud speaker.

"Hello? Steve Donald here, may I ask who I'm talking to?"
"Hello, this is detective Terry Code. (A/N I don't know if I gave Xavier's surname so this it now)
We are looking into a missing persons case."
"Oh, right. What can I do to help Detective Code?" It was my turn to speak.
"M-my girlfriend. Her names Chyna Ja'Neive. She ran away."
He sighed on the other end. "She's here with me in California. She ran away to get away."
"I see, and she's with you yes?" My dad asked.
"Can we speak with her?"
"She's sleeping."
"Is she ok?"
"What's your name?"
"Xavier and I just want my girlfriend back."
"I need to speak to her!" I said.
"I can tell her you called" he is starting to piss me off.
"Could you get her to call me as soon as she's awake." I demanded more then asked.
"yes when she's ready though!"
My temper was getting the best of me. "I just need to hear her voice to know she's alright! You could be a psychotic killer for all we know!"
He sighed, "i understand your worried Xavier"

I heard talking on the other end.
"Steve you still there? Is she alright?" I panicked.
"Xav-Xavier?" When I heard her voice I could've jumped for joy. I grabbed the phone and put it to my ear.
"CHYNA! Oh my god, where are you? Are you safe? Baby girl your right!" I heard her laugh at my questioning.
"I'm out of town, I'm safe and what am I right about?" I laughed.
"Your being ridiculous. If you think your a pauper then I'm a frog. I need my princess to kiss me back to a prince. Care to see if it's you?"
"Your so cheesy!"
"Only for you baby girl. Please come home!"
"I'm just a burden. I'm gonna finish here then...then.." Hearing her say that broke my heart.
"Then what chyna, my beautiful girlfriend chyna, my one and only chyna? Then what? I just got you back and I let slip from my grasp. But next time I won't allow you to leave. Your no burden. I will keep you with me every second of everyday or even move to where you want to be, if that's what you really want. Like you said going to the moon and back isn't far enough to travel to express my love for you. I would go where ever you would go just so I could be with you chyna."
"You really mean that xav?" She asked sniffing.
"Yes you silly girl. I Love you!"
"I love you too, so much! Give me three days. And then You can come?" I sighed.
"Two days that's it. My dads a cop. I'll find you baby girl." She giggled at that.
"Fine boo. See you in two days."
"Yes. I will."

She hung up after that. My dad looked at me expectantly. I knew I had a stupid smile on my face. "She's got you whipped. Did you know that?" I snapped out of the daze. "I'm giving her two days then I'm driving down to Cali." Dad nodded and started typing something on his computer. "I'm gonna go tell Caitlin." I said walking out the office. On my way down to the garage where I parked my truck my phone started vibrating. I looked down and saw Chyna's cell flash up.
"Have you heard anything?" I forgot about her daddy...
-"Yes she's in California and I'm driving up there in two days."
"TWO DAYS? Why now TODAY?!"
-"Because she wants a two day break." I replied calmly.
"Wait, you spoke to her? How?"
-"Yes and by the phone." With that I hung up.
By the time I Had finished the call I was standing in front of my truck.
The drive to Caitlin's was irritated because I didn't know how I would explain it to her. I rang the door bell and a zombie answered the door. "Oh sorry, where's my friend Caitlin Mr zombie?" She gave me a dirty look. "How can you joke Xavier? Chyna's missing, dead for all we know. And you can stand there and-" her voice sounded sore so I cut her off. "Yeah I was able to track her down with helps from the station." She just stood there at first, then it sunk in. "Let me shower, eat and clean up and we'll be on our way." Caitlin said. That girl was PMSing mad. "Hold up, Caitlin she doesn't want to be found yet." I said with pain clear in my voice. The face she pulled showed me how vulnerable Caitlin was at this point. "Sh-she doesn't?" I could hear the pain and anger in her voice. "She said she feels like she's a burden." Caitlin shook her head. "But, in two days I'm driving up there whether she likes it or not." I saw the hope crawl back on her face. "and Caitlin?" She made a 'hmm' sound. "Happy birthday!" I said bringing out a card. "Really! At a time like this?" My jaw dropped. Caitlin normally went diva on us on her birthday. "Your a monster!" She rolled her eyes and shut the door in my face. "Someone's on there period!" I sing songed out loud. "I heard that!" Was Caitlin's reply. I laughed and went back to my truck.
I opened my sunviser in the front as it had a picture of me and chyna. We were about to kiss. Her hair was up in a loose high ponytail. Her soft, auburn curls bouncing down the back of her neck. We were smiling at each other. Our noses were touch as were our foreheads. Our smiling lips mere inches away from each other. When we heard Caitlin shout 'get a room' before snapping the moment. I have the same picture in my locker as well.
"I love you chyna!" I said aloud, "see you soon."

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