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As I sat in the car, I saw the police come out with my daddy, in handcuffs. I let put a dry laugh. Xavier got in the car and looked at me. After a while, I realised that he hadn't started the car, I looked up at him and saw him staring with a beautiful, little smile on his lips. "What you staring at?" he smirked. "You." He said, bluntly, "why?" I asked intrigued. "Because your beautiful, I like looking at beautiful things." I burst with laughter. Tears were falling from my eyes.
"Y-you...d-did not j-just," the next half of the sentence made me laugh even more than I was, "quote t-the fault in our stars!" I said in gasps of laughter. My stomach hurt I was laughing so much. "Yeah, so?" He grumbled and started the car. I put my belt on before speaking. "I'm sorry, baby, it's just...your a 17 -almost- 18 year old dude. Who just quoted the fault in our stars!" He tried fighting the smile, that was tugging at his lips. Before you knew it, he was in fits off laughter as well. "Well, I'm sorry I wanted to be romantic!" I wiped my laugh tears away. "Sorry babe, your no Augustus Waters." He put a high pitch voice on before mimicking me, "no Augustus Waters." I just shook my head and laughed. He drove out of the car park and took me home. I gave him a long passionate kiss and gave him a hug, well bear hug anyway. "I love you so much!" I whispered. "I love you more, baby girl!" I nodded and went inside with my big teddy bear. I left it by the door and watched, xav get back in his car and drive out of the gates.

I wiped a tear away and made way upstairs. I grabbed my duffel bag and put my underwear, tops and pants in there with a couple dresses and two pairs off heels, one black, blue. I put a pair of converses on there before grabbing my backpack. I put my iPad, laptop, iPod and chargers in there. I also put in my make up and bathroom essentials. I put a picture of me, Caitlin and xavier in there as well. I zipped the bags up and left them on the bed. I locked my bedroom door, before going into my bathroom and locking that door. I stripped my clothes and turned on my shower. I scrubbed the hospital feeling off me. Once I was finished I grabbed a purple, fluffy warm towel and wrapped it around my body before wrapping my hair in a towel. I unlocked the door and walked into my closet and put on my bra and panties. I then put on a blue one-size-too-big sweatshirt with blue leggings, to finish off the look I put on white fluffy socks and my grey combat boots. I dried my hair before curling it. I put a white beanie on before sending a text to Caitlin.
'Wanna go on a road trip, just me and you?'
She replied instantly,
'Sure pick me up in 10'
I replied a quick k. Then grabbed my laptop, out of my bag; to book hotels. Once I done that I put my phone on charge and went downstairs with yet, another bag. I filled that with food and drinks for the drive. I got my purse making sure my wallet, credit card and my 5 grand cash. I know, dangerous, but I don't know when that bastard, will come home. Once I knew I had every thing I went and got my bags and put them in my baby, for those who don't remember, my car. I grabbed my phone, charger and laptop from up stairs then grabbed my keys and coat, from downstairs, then left to go pick up Caitlin.

-skip drive to Caitlin's house-

When I got to Caitlin's house I knocked on the door once then walked in. This was my second home, so Caitlin's parents were cool about it. "Hello?" I called into the house. Just then Caitlin's mom came out of the kitchen. "Hey, darling. How you feeling?" I smiled and gave her a hug. "Much better than 16 hours ago." I said in a joking way. "Should you and Caitlin be going on this road trip?" She frowned. "I need time away and I'm going whether Caitlin comes or not, I would just rather she did." Caitlin's mom nodded. "I understand, I will get the school to email me all the work you'll both need to catch up on and email them to you and Caitlin, ok?" I nodded and gave her one last hug. "Thank you!" I whispered. Just then Caitlin walked down with three duffel bags and her backpack. I laughed, I thought I was bad. "Ready?" I nodded. "Girls?" We turned round to face Caitlin's mom and dad, "yes?" We both said innocently. He smiled, "here's $200 each, have fun." I stood there with my mouth on the ground. "I-I can't take your money Mr(can't remember if I gave Caitlin's parents a name so it's mr and mrs raven-a/n) Raven." He smiled, "take it, your as much as a daughter to me, as my own." I felt tears in my eyes and gave them a hug. "Your a better father than my own! And mrs raven, i've always seen you as my mom, after my own died." They nodded with smiles on their faces. Caitlin hugged her parents, I left them to say goodbyes. We put her bags in the boot/back.
"Ready?" I asked Caitlin pulling out the drive, she gave me a flat look, before her face broke into a huge smirk, "babe, I was born ready" we laughed.
As we hit the highway we both looked at each other before shouting at the top of our lungs.


--//authors note\\--

Heyy, here's a new chapter=D I hope you liked it! Sorry its kinda short and a bit boring as nothing really happens in it, but it fills you in on the little details.
Anyways if you read any of my other story's, which I'm hoping you do, I am putting them all on hold and gonna finish this one, then doing it story, by story.

Thank you for reading

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Love chey

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