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"Come Chyna." I followed daddy to his car. We got in and he started driving. "Where we going?" He gave me a small side way smile. "It's a surprise." I hate surprises. So much. I must have fallen asleep because I had Dylan waking me up; I woke up with a jump. "It's ok Chyna. We're here now." He smiled and helped me out the car. I looked up and found we were at a fair. It was early in the evening so all the twinkly lights were on. I looked at the name. 'George's Fun Travelling Fair.' "Have I been to this before?" His eyes looked glassy as he nodded. "It's where we came the day before your mom was diagnosed." I smiled. We walked side by side to the entry. Dylan paid and we got wristbands which gave access to all the rides. "What first?" I asked excitedly. "How about..." He looked around when his eyes landed on the bumper karts. "Your so on!" I said determined. We ran over to the line. I got in a blue kart and he got in a red one. When the music started we were off. I got bumped here, there and everywhere by everyone at least once. But I also rammed everyone when I got the chance. I was sad when it was finished but then the roller coaster caught my eye. Ok how can that travel around? It's like 70 meters tall! "Can we dad? Please?" I begged. He stopped, looking at me surprised. "What?" I asked dumbly. He gave a ghost of a smile. "Y-you called me dad." I nodded. "It's just. You know the truth now..but you called me dad. Normally as well. No hate mixed." He pulled me into a hug. "Thank you!" He whispered.

The rest of the time flew by and by the time we left the fair it was just gone 12:45. "Wow it's late. I had fun today dad. The most fun I've had in a really long time with you." He started driving. "Me too bunny." I gasped. He gave me a worried look. "Sorry..it's- you called me bunny!" I saw it dawn on his face. "I haven't called you that in a long time..." He trailed off in a whisper. I thought to myself, 'yeah because for the last 11 years you've been a total assworm to me.' But thought to keep it in my thoughts. I really don't want to ruin this moment. I don't know if I'll get another one. "Can you drop me off at Caitlin's? Xaviers going to be picking us up from hers for school tomorrow." I could see hurt flash through his face. He cleared his throat. "Um sure. I just thought you'd want to come home.." I gave his shoulder a tight squeeze. "I'll come home for lunch tomorrow then you can drop me back off. And we will talk then, yeah?" He nodded. "I'd like that very much Chyna."
On the way to Caitlin's we picked up some McDonald's. I texted her earlier I wouldn't be back for dinner. I was able to have a small talk with Dylan about me running away. I didn't mention the first time. After the attempted murder of me. I could tell it was too soon. Even for me to speak about let alone him. He seems sincere about himself changing. But as much fun as I've had having my dad back. I don't know if he'll be back for good or just until it's all blown over then he'll go back to normal. I have yet to tell him about OSU.
Soon enough he was pulling up to Caitlin's house. I saw Caitlin's room light on and her parents room. I didn't have my keys so texted her I was here. I sat in the car warmth until I saw her open the door. Dylan turned off the engine. "Thank you daddy." I leant over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He smiled before I got out the car. It was freezing so I ran like a mad man to the warmth of my second home. I looked back to see he was still sitting in the car. It wasn't until I started closing the door when he drove off. I turned around. "I thought you were with xavier...not your daddy." Even Caitlin says his name with such distaste. I sighed. I knew this was coming. "Let's just say I had a run in with him and he literally had a breakdown in front of Mrs Fern. Listen I'll tell you everything in the morning but I'm tired and cold and just want to sleep. Oh and before I forget." I threw her a small teddy I won at the fair. "I won this for ya."

--- // The next morning \\ ---

I woke up to my phone alarm. I groaned as I turned it off. 6:30am the phone said.
I must have fallen back asleep as I woke up again to the phone alarm. 6:35am. Talk about literally having an extra 5 minutes of sleep. I silently giggled to myself. I got up and tip toed into Caitlin's room. I didn't know if she was asleep or not. She was. Shocker!...Not. I grabbed a white tank top, white jeans and black loose jumper. I grabbed my underwear and made my way to the bathroom. I had a shower and got changed in the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and made my way to the spare room. All my bags from my little 'trip' were in there. I grabbed one of the bags which had all my electrical shiz and saw I had a pen in there. I grabbed all the books and paperwork which Caitlin's mom had given me to do and stuffed them into my bag. I put my electrical's down on the bed. I let my hair dry naturally so then my soft natural curls would cascade down my back. I looked at myself in the mirror, after putting on my black dolly flats. My hair had grown at least another 4 inches. It was now just above my bottom. I Dutch braided my bangs so the were out of my face. I put on some concealer to hide the bags under my eyes. Due to my late night last night. I put a small amount of mascara on and a tinted red lip gloss. I grabbed my heavy bag and made my way downstairs. I greeted everyone, grabbed a granola bar and made my way out side. The frosty air biting at my bare neck. I unlocked the trunk of my car and grabbed my white leather jacket and black scarf.
When I came back into the house I saw everyone was up and awake. I however was the only one addressed. "Morning everyone." I greeted. I got a morning back from Caitlin's parents and a tight smile from Mandy. Just then the doorbell rang. Caitlin shouted as she jumped off the last two steps. "I got it."
I sat down at the breakfast table loving the smell of bacon and toast. Yes I know weird mix but...you know....I'm weird that way. Turns out it was xav. Hmm maybe bows the time to break the news. Let's practice it in my head first 'hey guys-' "Chyna?" My head shot up at Mandy's voice. I raised my eyebrows in shock seeing as she said it with venom. Jeez child what crawled up your pants this morning. "Yes?" I asked. She pointed at xav who was sat next to me. "Oh..um..hi?" I asked rather awkwardly. Damn girl the fudge is wrong with you? I thought to myself. I cleared my throat. "So. Guys I have a small announcement." I started. Caitlin raised an eyebrow at me. "Your not preggo right?" She asked. Both Caitlin's dad and xavier chocked on their food at this. I shook my head vigorously. "No!" I took a deep breath and decided to just come out with it. "Imgonnaleavethecheersquad." I kept my eyes down on the pancakes in front of me. I don't know if anyone actually understood me. "Morning everyone." The silence was broken by Shannon who was wearing a baggy top and loose jeans and black sneakers. She sat down next to Caitlin. "Wh-what's with the silence?" She asked nervously. "YOUR LEAVING THE CHEER SQUAD?" Caitlin screeched at me. I nodded. "I-I figured it would be the right thing to do.." I trailed off. Before Caitlin could reply Mandy was the one to intervene. "Chyna, it's your choice, doesn't matter who," her eyes flickered over to Caitlin before settling back on me. "Thinks it's a bad idea. So you guys should get going or your gonna be late. I will be taking Shannon and mom shopping before mom will take Shannon to get in rolled at your school. Then we will see you later after school. Have fun." I nodded slowly. Xavier cleared his throat. "Come on you two girls. Mandy's right we need to get going to school." Me and Caitlin got up in silence, grabbed our bags and made our way to the truck. I sat in the front with xav. Caitlin didn't say anything on the ride. "I didn't think you'd care so much." I mumbled. She shrugged and got out when xav parked. I went to go after her but xav pulled me back. "Hey, she'll come round. It's just a surprise. You've done cheerleading since you were 7. She started in freshman year." I nodded. "I really didn't think it was that big of a deal. It's only cheerleading." Xav nodded and kissed my forehead. We both then got out the cars and made our way into school. I got a few funny looks off everyone. Guess not being here for a month. People look at you different. I went in and was greeted to the sound of bustling and shouts of the students. I heard the odd whisper of 'she's back.' Or 'why was she gone for so long.' There was one that said 'I heard she got kidnapped and only just escaped alive.' I smiled and kept my head held high. I reached my locker and emptied my backpack keeping the books and folders I needed for my first three periods before lunch.
Just then the bell went and the first thought I thought was:

Here we go.

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