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All the teachers were really welcoming back. With their fake smiles and annoyingly sweet voices. I got welcome backs from the cheer squad which made having to break the news even heavier on my shoulders. At least Gabi* would be happy about it. But I think it's much needed. She's a total diva and I haven't always hated her. Just never particularly liked her. Might as well show her that I'm not a total bitch like she thinks I am. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Ms Jones. My chemistry teacher. "Chyna, can you tell me what would happen if iron were to meet oxygen and the word equation to go with it?" She asked me with a smirk. Knowing full well I wasn't listening. Too bad I done this in freshman year. It was one of the easiest things to learn in chemistry. "The iron would become iron-oxide. The word equation for this is; iron + oxygen -> iron-oxide." I said with a smirk of my own. Ms Jones simply nodded and carried on with the lesson.
When the bell finally rang I hung around a while and waited for everyone to leave the room to go to lunch. "Ms Jones I was wondering if there were gonna be any extra curricular chemistry and biology clubs before our finales this year?" I asked. She checked some paper on her desk. "Yes. But there like extra study clubs. But they would look great in your college applications." I nodded with a thanks. I walked out looking at the nite she gave me saying when they were on. I got to my locker and checked my phone.

- Daddy..
Chyna, meet me outside the gates at 12:55 for lunch. Make sure to have a jacket today. It's a tad chilly.

I checked the time. 12:53.  Two minutes. I can do it. I stuffed my bag in my locker, grabbed my wallet, jacket and made sure I had my phone before making my way outside. There true to his word was Dylan. Standing in navy blue slacks and a puffy coat above the waist. Smart shoes that were now covered in wet leaves. A few students were staring at him seeing as he was leaning against a very expensive looking car. His brown hair going grey slowly was combed to the side. His cold grey eyes, much similar to mine searched the parking lot. When they landed on me I could see him let out a breath he must have been holding. I walked towards him and was surprised when he pulled me into an awkward hug. "Ready?" I nodded and got in the passenger side.
He pressed the gas and we were off. "Soo..where we going for lunch?" He just smiled. "Let's just say you may be late to your period after lunch. I raised my eyebrow. "I have free period after lunch. Seriously where we having lunch?" He just smiled as he drove.
After a while we made it to a privately owned hanger.* Dad got out the car so I followed him. He walked to a private jet and got in. My mouth opened in surprise. "Miss Ja'Nieve are you coming?" The pilot asked with a small soft smile. He held out a hand for me to take; to help me climb into the jet. I took it and sat down on the surprisingly comfy white leather chair. I put my belt on. "Dad? Where we eating?" He gave a happy sigh before replying. Just as the jet started and took off he spoke. "The Empire State Building." WHAT? He said that like it was the weather we were talking about. "That's all the way in New York!" He nodded. "Yes it doesn't take long if you fly." I just nodded. Not really knowing what to say.

I looked out the window for most of the duration off the flight. It was breathtaking. It took us about an hour and a half to get to New York. I don't think daddy figured it all up. So he called the school to email me all the work and homework and told me I could do it on the flight home. They seemed perfectly happy about it. I just worried about if I fall behind. I can't. I can't repeat the year again before going off to college. Doesn't matter how rich my daddy was. Money can't do everything we want.
When we got off the jet a man all in black stood next to a sleek black jaguar. I instantly fell in love. He opened the door for us. I slid in first followed by Dylan. The drive through Manhattan was ahhmazzziingg! Like seriously. All the colours; all the buzzling of people shopping; all the cars. Even the sounds were amazing. Dylan didn't seem fazed. At all. I took in all the city's beauty. When we arrived to the Empire State Building there was a lot and I mean ALOT of security. They had that machine thingy where you have to take off all metal, your shoes, jumpers, jackets and so on. Put them into trays to be scanned. Anyways. We were taken to like the top floor or one of the top floors where we had lunch. To be honest with you I felt so underdressed I thought they may kick me out. I looked like a tramp compared to others in here. My light brown curls cascading down my back with my black and white themed outfit. Just seemed out of place. For the first time since I was 13 I felt self conscious. Not saying that I'm confident about my self but I'm happy with my self. Anyways. I stood there awkwardly whilst dad checked in as he called it. I felt a hand on the small of my back. I went to punch who ever it was and realised it was just Dylan. Whoops. Good thing I stopped myself. We got a table next to one of the many windows. The view from it was breath taking. I've literally never seen anything so beautiful. You could see the whole city. It was the kind of view I thought you only saw in movies. In fact I didn't even know a view like this was possible. It's just that nice. Actually com to think of it I didn't even know the Empire State Building had a restraunt. "Beautiful. Isn't it?" I heard dad ask. I turned to him. "It's breathtaking dad. Honestly I'm lost for words." I said sighing. Just then our waiter came. "Good afternoon. I'm Tony and I will be your waiter for the duration of your meal. Can I get you drinks?" Our waiter-Tony- got out an iPod and looked ready to take our orders. Gosh, technology these days. "I will have a scotch please." Tony nodded and looked to me. "Oh I will have appetiser please." Tony nodded and smiled. He looked just older than me. Say 10 20 at best. He had slight stubble. Brown eyes and stood at 5'11 possibly 6 foot. Not as tall as xav tho. "What do you want for your starters?" I was bought out of my thoughts by Tony's voice. Dad ordered shrimp *shiver of disgust* and I ordered a light salads with chicken pieces.
The chicken was done by perfection. The salad was a little dry though. For my main meal I had spaghetti with meatballs. Again. Per-fect-ion. I was even give dessert. However I wasn't able to eat all of it. But it was soft chocolate brownie drizzled with chocolate sauce with vanilla ice cream. Let's just say I won't be having a heavy dinner. If I do I may just end up puking. "Dad thank you. That is the best meal I have ever eaten before." I said breathlessly. It was now 2:30. I would have not long started last period. Gym. So i won't be doing no work on the flight home. Soon enough we were back in the car.
We started driving and I don't think I even blinked. Not once. I just stared out the window. That's when we came outside a bakery shop. A very very busy one at that. It was called Carlos Bakery. Wait. I've heard of that. Oh yeah cake boss. I love that show! I've always wanted to try that cake. There was a women just combing out the shop. With two massive boxes from the bakery. Dad opened the door and sat on the seat which was in front of where I was sitting. The women got in. "You must be Chyna. I'm maddie. I'm one of your dads workers. I work as the top manager of the law firm here in the city which you dad owns." I just nodded. She -maddie- put the boxes down next to dad and took a deep breath. "I waited there for an hour and a half just outside. Then another hour inside the shop before I even got my number! I then had to wait 15 minutes to actually order the food!" She rambled on but I just zoned her out. I think they started talking about the firms here in New York before we dropped her off at the subway station. Then we started the drive back to the airport to get on the jet.
Last month. If you asked me if I'd be in New York with daddy for lunch I would have said you were a mad man-or women- and need to go to the loony bin. Things really have changed. I'm still trying to see if I like the changes or not. But what I do know is I feel my life's only just beginning.

Authors note.

Confession: there's three or maybe four more chapters left. Not exactly sure yet. But one of those being the prologue.
Wow I want to thank everyone. Like seriously. Thank you!!!!!! I want to say a massive thank you to my friend Counting_Stars- (Kieran) she helped encourage me with this book and she herself is an AHHH- MAZZZ- INGG writer. She wrote the book called Bullied by Justin Bieber. It's a fanfic but is also not a fanfic. If you want I can leave a copy of the description of the story below.

Anyways if you saw during the chapter That at a couple words/names I left a * next to. Means I would explain them down here
Gabi*= some may remember some may not. Gabi was the snotty cheerleader that 'broke' her wrist in like one of the first few chapters
Hanger*= a hanger is a place where planes are kept

Now to be honest I don't actually know anything about whether or not the Empire State Building actually has a restraunt or not but in the story it does.

Hope you enjoyed the chap
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Love Chey x

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