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I cannot believe he's standing there. "What are you doing here?!" Caitlin groaned. "Can't i visit my niece?" Jamie laughed. "IM OLDER THAN YOU!" She shouted. Let me fill you in. Jamie is Caitlin's half uncle. Her grandad, on her dads side, was depressed after her grandmother died a year before she was born and he, well, you know... Anyway nine months later Jamie was left on his doorstep. A month after Caitlin was born. Making her older than her uncle. I use to have the biggest crush on him when I was 13, then Xavier came into the picture and well let's just say by freshman year of highschool it was as if Jamie hadn't existed. "Yeah, and I won't forget it!" Jamie rolled he's eyes. I held up my hand as a high five, which he returned. "Join the club Jamie." He smiled. "How are you chyna?" I nodded. "I'm good, I've been better." He nodded. Then he gave a screwed up face. "Still with xalaba? Was that he's name?" I dead panned, "Xavier and yes, I am." He just nodded. "Why you in California Jamie?" He gave a sheepish smile. "Three reasons actually.." He trailed off. I led them to my room where Jamie sat us down and told us. "First things first," he took a deep breath. "I'm bisexual." Holy baloney! Caitlin jumped up, "I knew it!" She screamed. I slapped my hand over my face dramatically. "You owe me 20 bucks chyna, I told you he liked the D more than the V!" I glared at her. "I did not bet about your sexuality Jamie." He simply raised he's eyebrows as I got a twentie out. He rolled he's eyes before speaking again. "Second, dad doesn't know yet," he look straight at Caitlin who put her hands up in surrender. "The second reason why I'm here is because I am taking a semester off college and my boyfriend is visiting family." I nodded then froze. I stood up and slowly walked to the balcony. "By any chance is your boyfriends name Bellamy?" He slowly nodded, "how do, you, know that?" I shrugged. "He was at the hospital visiting my friend who is his family." I'm surprised he hasn't asked why me and Caitlin are- "Now that, I've said my reasons for being here, and that you know my boyfriend..." don't ask it. Don't ask it. Don't- "why are you guys in Cali?" Ok two things, one, damn, we're busted and two, why is this child interrupting my private conversation? "Funny story, uncle, Chyna care to explain?" I gave a nervous laugh. "Wait, how you in college if your our age?" He rolled his eyes and muttered something. "Dad or gramps to you Caitlin," he smirked knowing it would agitate her. "I'm a high school drop out because I got excepted to juilliard a year early for my cello playing." He said rather smugly. "Show off" Caitlin muttered under her breath. I elbowed her in the ribs. "Ouch! So fucking violent!" She yelped rubbing her side. "You haven't changed a bit." Jamie smiled as he said it. "The reason we're in L.A is because we wanted to surprise a friend whom we had met last week when we went on a mini road trip. I knocked on her door to find she was in hospital and that is how I met your boyfriend." I told the truth at the end. But I can't just tell him the truth, all of the truth, as to why we're here. He nodded and looked at Caitlin who nodded. "Don't sound so funny to me.." he trailed off. Caitlin shrugged. "I have a sick sense of humour." I nodded. And mouthed 'thank you'. She simply nodded and got up. "I'm hungry lets go McDonalds and get food!" I threw her my keys. "I'll meet you there." They both nodded and went. Just then my temporary phone rang.
C - hello?
P- hello, is this chyna?
C- that depends. Whose this?
P- oh, this would be someone who gets what he wants.
C- and what is it exactly, that you want.
P- I could make this spooky like a horror movie and say you but it's not. It's your friend.
C- What friend?
P- the one most dear to you, Xavier, is his name. As we speak he is getting ready to drive to you.-

I cut it off. That is a load of bull crap! Like come on! What is this a freaking movie. Jesus some people just need to get out more. With that I stood up and walked out the room.

>>later after McDonald's<<

We were on our way back to the hospital when my phone rang again. I was driving so I could answer it. "Who is it?" I asked Caitlin. She looked down and picked it up, "Xavier, want me to talk to him?" I nodded. I zoned out her voice, sounds rude I know but I was too focused on driving. We got to the hospital and I saw a certain bike. I rolled my eyes and got out the car. "What do you want Steve?" He turned to me. "You need to know the truth." I shook my head. "I really don't. I've figured I don't care if you are my biological dad or not. At what point until now have you been in my life? Regardless of what daddy told you to do. If you really cared about me you would've fought for custody. But you didn't." I took a deep breath. "The same goes for your wife. If she is my mom who came back from the dead, she has had nothing to do with me." He went to say something but thought better of it and closed his mouth. I was about to enter the hospital when he did say something. "He abused you for 10/11 years and yet you still call him daddy... Why is that?" He smirked, thinking he had got somewhere. "Because he's still a better daddy than you." With that I did walk into the hospital and went up to Shannon's room/ward.

--// Authors Note \\--

Heyy guys, I'm soo sorry I haven't updated in ages but I have now and I apologise for it being so short. I've had the biggest writers block and well it's kinda obvious I couldn't update. But I'm back now!

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Love cheyy  :D xx

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