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The next day,

I sniffed. The doctor, looking at me, with sorrow. "Can I go now?" He wrote something down on his file. "Are you aware, the only adults who have been here are your friend Caitlin's, parents and the police officers, not to mention the staff?" Oh. I knew where he was going. "So?" He sighed, "your parents, chyna? They haven't been once." He looked at me again, he was feeling sorry. "Well doc," I started, "my mom died when I was, but a child and my dad hasn't cared for me since." He was about to say something before someone knocked at the door. The doctor looked agitated. "Come in." He summoned. And guess who was standing there. "Talk about the devil and he will appear." I mumbled under my breath, Putting my converses on. "Chyna, sorry I was on business." I snorted. "Most like hoping I died." I mumbled. I looked up at my, daddy... He still has a bust up lip. I smirked at this. "Who are you?" The doctor asked. He was close enough to hear my mumbles. "This is the devil himself, doc. My Daddy..." I spat. He looked at me and smirked his stupid smirk. if my upper body didn't feel stiff, from sitting in bed all day long, for the last three. The doctor looked at me before reluctantly telling me I could go, once I signed my discharge papers. "Excuse me, doctor, but shouldn't I sign them?" Daddy asked. "Normally yes, but as you haven't been here through the whole time, Chyna has been here. She has the right to do if herself." I smirked signing the papers. Just as I finished signing xavier came through the door with this humongous teddy bear. It was brown with a checkered scarf around his neck. "Ready to go, beautiful?" I giggled. He hadn't seen my dad. He put the teddy next to me on the bed. "Well, isn't this nice." Daddy...sneered. Xav turned and glared at my dad. "What the fuck, are you doing here?" Xav spat, before walking up to him and punching him square in the face. My dad just wiped the blood from his now, bust eyebrow, nodded and stood up straight. "Well, she is my daughter," he started, sorting out his grey suit, "I'm here to take her home so she can pack, to go live with her aunt, in England." My eyes widened.
"WHAT!" Both me and xav shouted at the same time. I shook my head. "Is this, your way off telling me your giving me up for adoption!" It came out more of a statement than a question. "What?" Xavier asked, coming over to me as I got up off the bed. He grabbed my face looking into my eyes. "My aunt, owns an orphanage. She was my moms sister." I felt a tear escape my eye, but xav caught it before it fell. "Baby, your not going anywhere." I smiled. "No I'm not!" I shook my head as I said it. "Oh, yeah? And where you gonna live?" I smirked and walked over to my daddy...
"In moms old apartment. The one you went to the night she died." His nose was flaring. I was getting him worked up. I wanted him to hit me. As much as I hate it, the doctors in here. He will call the police, show them the footage from the camera in the room. And boom I get dad's house. "Remember? You caused her death, not me!" I said it with as much venom I could. "No, her cancer did!" I let out a dry laugh. "She didn't tell you. Did she?" He shook his head. "Well you had just left and..."

-11 years ago-

"Ch-chyna?" I looked up at my mommy. "My beautiful baby girl," she caressed my little pigtail. "Mommy loves you, you know that right?" I nodded. "Yes, y-you said y-you have to go to a place called h-heaven," she smiled and nodded. "You said your medicines not working for y-you s-so, y-you said to protect me, you love me. Right mommy?" She smiled. "Yes baby. And when daddy gets home, you tell him that, I chose to give up the cure, ok baby?" I nodded."

-present day-

"...You never came home, that day and the two after." I snuggled into xaviers chest. "She h-had a c-cure?" I nodded. "A-and you let her DIE!" He yelled the last bit, standing from his chair. " SHE TOLD YOU SHE HAD A CURE, AND YOU DIDNT TELL HER TO TAKE IT?" He yelled some more. I stood there in xaviers arms. "I was six, you fucking idiot! SIX! HOW THE HELL DID I KNOW HEAVEN MEANT SHE WOULD DIE? Huh? How did I k-know the c-cure would save her?" I was full on crying by the time I stopped talking. I got out of xavs arms, walked over to daddy, and kicked him in his wonka, "I FUCKING HATE YOU, YOU WERE A MISTAKE!" He said as he was bent over in pain. "I wish you died when I payed a guy to kill you!" I looked at the doctor, then the camera, then the doctors again. He nodded, looking to scared at what may happen next. "In fact it was his dad I paid," when he said 'his' he looked at xav who looked like he wanted to rip my daddy to smithereens. "But he told his chief who set police on his house. So I paid your uncle. My brother, chyna. Seeing as he hates you too." I ran put off the room to run straight into a police officer. "My dad made a confession, check the camera. You'll have it, he's in my room" I said in one breath. Before walking the rest of the way to the elevator. Ignoring every one who called my name. When I got in the elevator, I pressed the ground button. Once the doors shut I slid down the wall. I cried all the way. Once the doors opened, I wiped my eyes and made my way out doors. I breathed in and out, allowing the air to go to my lungs.
Not long after xavier came out and I just stood there staring into nothing. "Chyna?" I made a 'hmm' noise. "I love you, soo much!" I turned to him, "xavier, no one, and I mean no one can love anyone as much as I love you! I really don't deserve you!" I wrapped my arms around his torso. He chuckled. And whispered into my hair, "more like the other way round, beautiful."

--//Authors Note\\--

Oh my gawd!! I'm sooo sorry for the super, duper long wait. I hope I made this long enough. I have no excuse for the wait.
Love chey x

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