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Chyna's P.O.V

I sat down on the couch wondering to myself. 'What is it exactly I want to know? I've gone ten years without mom, what difference would it be if she's been alive all this time with supposed amnesia? Do I want my dad to be Steve?' You may think 'well your current beats you, calls you names and what not.' But he could've just abandoned me, he didn't have to keep me but he did. Yes, I wish he never did hit me, ever. But he gave me money if needed. He gave me food. He gave me the chance to live. Take away the fact he's an abusive drunk and workaholic. He still cared. He was there at my ballet recital in 6th grade. He was there for my first cheerleading championship after my first year of cheer camp. He's let me have a life. He didn't have to. Even if he's not blood he still cares.
It's taken me to get away from everyone and everything, to know this. It didn't matter who my biological father was, he Dylan Ja'Neive is still my daddy. He just needs to drop certain hobbies. But my mom? Do I want her alive? "Chyna?" Steve pulled me from my thoughts. "Yes?" He sighed. "Chyna, did you hear a word your mother just said?" I looked at the women who I refuse to call mom or anyone else. "She's not my mother until proven by a DNA test." I spat. She sighed. "Chyna, is that what it'll take? For you to believe me?" I stood at my full height. I crossed my arms. "Yes." She raised a perfectly groomed eyebrow. "Fine, I will book it with the local health care centre." I nodded. "Steve?" He looked up at me with a sad expression. "Yes Chyna?"
"I feel I've over done my stay and there's someone I want to go see who lives in Lancaster anyway. Ring me via Facebook about the appointment. You have 40 hours."
Steve stood up rather quickly. "That's almost 6 hours away!" I nodded and started for the guest bedroom I was staying in. I packed up the small belongings I brought up. I pulled my hair down from the messy bun I had put it in. I ran a brush through it quickly, I done my make up, sprinted myself some perfume then made my way to the door. "You can't stop me until I have proof your my parents." The women was gonna say something but Steve stopped her. "Janielle she's right." With that I walked out and made my downstairs. I got to my car when I was turned by Steve. "Take my phone. I still need to know your safe!" I hugged him. "Thank you!" I whispered before getting in the car. I started my drive. After a couple hours I stopped on a street which looked deserted but that's not what made me stop. It was the lump of something, someone. I got out. It was hot. I walked over. "Excuse me?" It moved so I knew it was a person. "Are you ok?" It turned and I knew who it was. "Your Shannon's mom!" She snorted with a small nodd. "Nosy little bitch! She's to blame. If she hadn't gone of that night, I would still be at home." She slurred. "What day?" She grunted sitting up. "Like last week." My face paled. I threw her two fifties and ran to my car. I zoomed off.
I got to Lancaster in about an hour and a half. I may or may not have broken a few speed limits. I pulled up to the house I memorised. I ran up the stairs and banged on the door. "SHANNON!" I yelled. I pressed the doorbell. I was startled by a voice. "Who are you looking for?" It was the girl from Shannon's school. The one I floored. "Where is Shannon you little slapper!" I spat. "In hospital." I felt my face paled. Through gritted teeth I asked. "Which hospital?" She smirked. "Why should I tell you?" I ran down the stairs and grabbed her by her perfectly died hair. "Because unless you want to end up in there with her then you'll tell me." In a split second her face went from confident to scared. "Sh-she's in Antelope Valley Hospital." I nodded with an evil smile plastered on my face. I sneered, "good choice." I ran to my car and typed the hospital ino my gps. I got there in under half hour. "God! I hope shes ok!" I whispered to my self. I walked up to the receptionist. "Hi, I'm from out of town and I've just found out that my friends been here, I don't know how long but her names Shannon?" I asked worried. The women nodded and typed into the computer. "We have two Shannon's, Shannon Gyper and Shannon Trey." The receptionist told me. I don't know her surname! "Which one has attempted suicide before?" I asked urgently. She shook her head. "I'm sorry, I see your worried but that's not my place to say. I see that your urgent to find your friend so Shannon Gyper is in room 106 and Shannon Trey is in room 406." I smiled and nodded. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" I said running towards the elevator. I got there and I pressed the higher one first. "Please be her! Please be ok!" I chanted in my head. The doors opened and I ran my way to room 406. It was her. With out a doubt the Shannon I know is the one laying in a lonely room. I opened the door and walked towards her. Her arms were all bandaged up, she had a cast on her leg and stitches on her chin, cheek and eyebrow. "What happened to you?" I picked up her file and read the reasons she was admitted.

Name: Trey, Shannon
Admitted: Saturday 15th December 2014.
Reason(s): Ran over by a truck
Injuries: fractured lung, 6 broken ribs, two sprained wrists, one broken foot and cuts located on her chin, left eyebrow and right side cheek.
Diagnosis: Trauma induced coma

I put it down and sniffed. I knew I was crying. "Shannon! I told you to come with me. I said don't worry about your mom!" I pulled a chair beside her. She was hooked up to all sorts of machines. Life support, heart monitor, heart/Lung thingy. I held her hand. "Your not alone. Not anymore!" Just then the doctor came in. "Oh, hello dear." He started. "I'm doctor Harny." I nodded. "Are you a family member?" I nodded, "step sister." I lied. He nodded. "She has a very rare blood type, group O." My head shot up. "In the accident she lost a lot of blood and if she doesn't get at least 3 pints in the next 48 hours she may die."
"Well give her the blood." The doctor sighed. "It's so rare, this hospital hasn't got enough." I took a deep breath. "I-I have that group. Take it out of me. But in here, I'm not leaving her side!" He looked shocked. Well yeah he should. Misled what happens when you just assume things. He nodded and then went out off the room only to come back in several minutes later. This time he had a nurse who had a wheelie tray with needles on packets i knew my blood would go in. But I didn't feel sick. Not one bit! "Ready?" They asked me. In reply I took off my jacket and sat back in the chair. "Yes."

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