When your feeling insecure

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You stared into the mirror looking at your reflection.. You always wonder what others think of you when they see your face, your belly, your thighs. You always thought they would see something pretty. But after that one positive thought millions of doubts would tumble into your mind, ripping you to shreds piece by piece.

Everyday you woke up wondering if you would ever be pleased with your reflection. But sadly that never came true.

Your eyes were glued to the mirror going over every mistake.

"Hey pumpkin.. What are you doing" Will asked you walking into the bathroom

You wanted to answer but you were too occupied finally you whispered "why am I not beautiful"

Will looked a bit hurt and stunned that you said that. "W- why do you think that?" He stuttered

"Look at me .. Don't you see it?"

Will concentrated on the mirror but then turned towards you.

"All I see is a beautiful girl, that I've fell in love with... Someone I'm not even sure I deserve " he said smiling

Will enveloped you in a hug, he always made you feel special. You didn't know what you would do without him.

"BABE!!" You screamed
"Yeah" Cole yelled back
"Where's my makeup?" You said approaching Cole
"Ughhh I don't know" he said looking the other way

"You know you suck at lying" you said raising an eyebrow

"Oh" Cole said blushing

"Where did you put it?" You half whined

"Why do you need it" Cole said copying you

"Where going on a date.. I'm ugly, I need to fix my face" you replied aggravated

Cole looked taken aback as if you insulted him and not yourself.
"Princess your beautiful!" He said

"Thank you Cole, but I really need that make up"

"Give me one reason why" he said raising an eyebrow

" you won't get any kisses tonight" you said triumphantly

"What if I just steal one" Cole pulled you close to him and kissed you on the nose, you giggled

"But seriously " you pouted

"It's upstairs under my bed" Cole said

"Thank you" you grinned and finally got the make up

You were down stairs in the locked bathroom you knew Dana wouldn't be awake so you took the chance to write down all your insecurities. The list was quite long, your face, your hips, your waist, your butt, your thighs, your hair, your feet, your smile, your laugh, your nails, your hands, your .... Pretty much everything. You sighed staring at the magazine and then back at yourself.

"Beauty" you heard Dana whisper half asleep outside the door

"Yes beast" you whispered

"W-what are you doing?" He stuttered

You didn't feel like lying so you told the truth "making a list"

"Can I come in"

You unlocked the door, Dana wrapped his arms around your waist staring into the mirror. It was only a matter of seconds when he noticed the list lying on the counter.

"My face, my smile, my laugh?" He questioned

You sighed before answering "my insecurities" you whispered looking down. You were upset when Dana let go of you and went over the list. When you looked up there were tears in his eyes. Without a word Dana hugged you close to his chest, you hadn't hugged him in awhile and it felt amazing you felt whole again.

"Can you promise me something" Dana whispered his voice cracked

"Yeah sure" you whispered into his chest

"No more list, your beautiful just the way you are" Dana said this time looking you in the face


David burst into your bathroom without permission.
"Hi y/n !!"

"David your lucky I'm dressed" you said applying your mascara

"What's this?" David said taking the mascara brush from you

"It's mascara" you said

"So.... Like this" David opened his mouth wide like girls do and then he tried to put it on his eyelashes, unsuccessfully poking himself in the eye "OWWWWW" David dropped the mascara and held his hurt eye. You put a wet cloth up to his eye moving his hands.

"Why do girls wear this stuff" he groaned

"To look pretty" you said taking the cloth off his eye

" but your already pretty" he said

"Thank you spidey" you said kissing his cheek

He smiled cheekily "your welcome"


You ran to the bathroom, tears streaming down your face. One of the populars just started talking trash to your face and you tried to not let it get to you but as the day went on it only became worse until you couldn't take it anymore.

You looked up at the mirror to see your tear stained cheeks and the face you were born with... Something you can never get rid of.

You saw the door open and you looked down trying to ignore whoever was there.

"Batgirl?" You heard him say

"Gabe... W-what are you doing in here" you asked

"I saw you run in" he said

"You don't just walking into the girls BA"
Gabe cut you off

"Why are you crying" he walked closer to you

"Oh nothing"

"You wouldn't be crying if it was nothing" he said holding unto your hand

"I'm just ugly... I don't want to be ugly anymore" you choked up letting a few more tears slip

"Y/n" Gabe said now hugging you "your beautiful and nothing's ever going to change that"

"Really?" You said looking into his eyes

Before answering Gabe kissed you passionately


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