Imagine for Fieke

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( Sorry it took forever but I'm glad you were able to wait till today lol, so without further ado @Im_Nobody_Too here is your imagine)

Fieke was on her way to the mall with a couple of her friends and of course her boyfriend Dalton. She was just heading out the door before Dalton shouted for her to wait so he could paint his nails black.

"You should've done that awhile ago" Fieke yelled back laughing slightly at Dalton
"I won't take too long" Dalton shouted back and 10 minutes later Dalton and Fieke were out the door.

The mall was only about 30 minutes away so while Dalton drove, they jammed to Fieke's favourite type of music to pass the time.

Finally they arrived at the mall and their friends were standing outside waiting for them.

"Hiii guys" Fieke said running up towards her friends to hug them

"Hey girl" Kristi giggled hugging Fieke
"You're not late this time" Jason laughed
"I could've been" Fieke said sarcastically looking at Dalton, Dalton smiled and jokingly glared at her "whatever" he said

Everyone laughed before heading inside the mall, the whole time Fieke and Kristi and Jason talked and Dalton felt like he was being ignored and he started getting jealous of how much attention everyone else was getting.

"Uhmm I have to go" Dalton said abruptly
"Wait why.." Fieke said a bit upset, Jason and Kristi immediately turned towards Dalton and Fieke to listen.

"I just need to go" Dalton said already turning around to leave
"Then whose gonna drive me home" Fieke yelled
"Ask one of your friends, they're more important" Dalton said loud enough for his girlfriend to hear him without turning around.

What he said shocked Fieke and she kind of stood there confused before turning around and continuing to walk.

"Good luck" Kristi said dropping Fieke off at her house that she shared with Dalton
"Thanks " She said before turning around, she noticed that the car was in the drive way so that must mean that Dalton is home.

It was 8 at night and Fieke didn't feel like arguing with Dalton but she knew that she couldn't just sleep on it.

She cautiously opened the door and shut it behind her, She walked around before noticing that Dalton was laying on the floor looking up at the ceiling, he looked stressed out so Fieke laid next to him.

"Hey" she said
"Hi....." Dalton said bluntly
"Look I'm sorry" Fieke said
"For what?"
"For making you feel left out, I didn't mean to"
"Are you being honest?" Dalton asked turning over to face her, Fieke did the same to look into Daltons eyes.
"Yes, I truly am sorry, I shouldn't have let you walk away, I shouldn't have left you alone for so long.... I'm sorry" Fieke said a tear streaming down her face

Dalton reached over and swiped the tear off Fieke' cheek, he was quiet for awhile... thinking.

"I forgive you" he said finally "but what you did really hurt me"
"I won't do it again" Fieke said
"You better not" Dalton smirked slightly before kissing Fieke's nose and with that he sat up and went upstairs.

( Anti climatic ending.. I know, I hope you liked it anywayyyyyy)

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