Imagine for Stephy

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/I really want to say the same thing that I say in practically every imagine but ... You know what... IMMA do it anyway.. SORRRYYYYYY it took so so long, I suck at this lol! Anyways, SStephyScarzone here is your imagine, I hope it surprises you enough :P /

You and David were at a children's park because you were both a child at heart. David pushed you on the swings whip you soured high, you felt like you could do anything as long as David was there. He inspired you to work harder and make your dreams come true, he told you that he believed in you and everything you do.

You and David brought picnic stuff so you brought it out and he helped you set it up on the picnic table. David brought a red rose and put it in a vase and put it in the center of the table. Then out the candles and dinner plates, you smiled brightly as David placed everything down.

"This is all for you honey" David said waiting for you to sit, and he sat across from you.
"Why did you make this picnic so fancy" you asked laughing
"Because you deserve it,everything should be made special for you Stephy" David said smiling, you blushed looking up at him.

You and David enjoyed your lunch together and just enjoyed each other's company. Everything seemed so calm and chill and relaxing, that was when David stood up and walked up to you then suddenly knelt on one knee.

You immediately lifted your hands to your mouth in surprise

"Stephanie, we've been dating for 6 years and they've been the best six years of my life, I don't know what I would do without you and you mean so much to me, I couldn't imagine having anyone else..... Ever, and I want to start something new with you, something just for the both of us, so Stephy..... Will you marry me?"

Tears slipped down your cheek before you said yes and David kissed you, the kiss felt like more now, it felt like you both were one, like nothing could ever separate you too.

This was a new beginning for the both of you, and you had no idea what was in store for the both of you.

<I hoped you enjoyed this imagine stephy, again I'm sorry that it's so short and yeah.... >

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