Would you rather

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( you and IM5 were all at Gabes house playing would you rather and things got interesting)

Cole: "whose turn is it?"

Dana: "I don't know"

Cole: "thanks Dana that totally helps"

David: "it's my turn!!"

Gabe: "then go"

David: " Will, would you rather be fictional or be nonfictional "

Will: "gosh that's a hard one... I would be fictional"

Cole: "just don't sign up for the hunger games"

Will: "you don't sign up for it they choose you"

Cole: "well i- "

Gabe: "whose next"

Y/n : "mwah, Gabe would you rather eat food of a nasty floor or eat food off of Danas foot"


Gabe: " uhh, I'd rather her eat off a nasty floor"

Will: "my turn!! Y/n, would you rather sneeze every 3 minutes or grow hair every 3 hours"

Y/n: " grow hair, I could be real life rapunzel"

Gabe: "David, would you rather smile in every situation or frown in every situation"

David: "hmmm maybe smile, but if someone was angry at me that would annoy them.. Idk"

Dana: "Dana, would you rather be hot every day or be sexy everyday"

Dana: "well you know Dana I don't know what do you think Dana? Well you see Dana, hot and sexy are different things, but come in Dana"

Cole: "and here we go with the talking to ourselves "

Dana: "I didn't do that, that was Danas fault"

Y/n: "sure Dana sure"

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