He does your nails

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You and Will were bored so you decided to play truth or dare.
"Truth or dare" will asked you
"Dare" you said
"I dare you to go outside and scream ' I love nutella' "
"Do I have to?" You asked

You stood up and walked towards the front door, opening it you stood on the porch and screamed at the top of your lungs "I LOVE NUTELLA"

You smiled and turned around shutting the door behind you. "Truth or dare?" You asked will
"Umm uhh uhmmm dare?" He said as it it was a question
"I dare you to paint my nails" you said
"I dare you to paint my nails"
"This is a horrible decision really" he said
"please" you begged giving him the puppy eyes, finally he gave in and you ran to go get the nail polish.

Once you had the equipment you gave him the Colors and told him what you wanted.

"Oh Gosh" will said shakily opening the nail polish, he slowly untwisted the cap and tried to paint your nail but got a little bit of the nail polish on the side of your finger.

"You're fine"
"Oops sorry"
"You're good"
"Dang it sorry"
"It's all good"
"Sor-" you cut him off "it's fine will it's okay" You said laughing


"Can I paint your nails?" Cole asked you randomly
"Uhhh. Sure" You said agreeing

Cole disappeared upstairs and came back down with your nail stuff.
"What does this do?" He asked
"That's a styling tool" you said
"What does this do?"
"Nail clipper"
"What does this do"
"That pushes the cuticle back"
"What does this do?"
"Cole!" You said getting annoyed with the questions

"Sorry " Cole muttered taking his favorite colour out and starting to paint your nails. When he was done your nails didn't look as bad as you thought they would be.

"Let's do a design" Dana said like he knew what he was doing when in fact he wasn't.

He had already gotten nail polish all over his hand and on yours also. You watched as Dana too out a black art decoration nail polish bottle.

With a few flicks of his wrist your nails looked..... A mess.
"Perfect!" Dana said putting your nail polish away. "Do you like it" he said smiling

"It's very... Interesting" you said
"I like it"
"Good for you"
"We should do this again" Dana said smiling
"Sure if it makes you happy"

"What if I mess up" David said dipping the nail brush into the nail polish for the 15th time.

"You'll be fine" you said laughing, you didn't understand why he was so worried about this.

"You sure?" He asked looking at you
"Promise" you said trying not to get lost in his eyes.

David finally started painting your nails he looked adorable when he was focusing on something. He would sometimes stick out his tongue and furrow his eyebrows trying to not mess up your nails.

When he finished painting all of your fingers, he looked relieved. "That ...... That was difficult" he said smiling, you laughed "now you understand us girls pain" you said sarcastically

You were getting ready to go out to the nail salon but Gabe convinced you to let him do your nails.

"Sit down I'm gonna make you look fabulous" he said sitting diagonal from you at the kitchen table.

"We'll see about that" you said laughing, Gabe got to work, he painted each of your nails giving them several coating and then he gave you a design on your thumb which was just really random strokes but he made it look pretty.

Once he was done he dipped your hands in cold water and tried them off with a fan.

"Not bad. I like it" you said observing his art work
"I call it : Gabe can paint your nails better than you can" he said laughing
"Shut up!" You said laughing along

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