He saves you

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You were stuck in a tree.... Again.
"Y/n I told you to stay out of the trees!" Will yelled up at you
"But I love climbing trees" you said crossing your arms, will laughed, shaking his head he climbed up to get you.

He untangled you and helped you climb back down from the tree.
"You're my hero" you said jokingly
"Anything for you M'Lady " will bowed, sending both of you into a chorus of giggles.

"Now we can go home and eat food" Will said holding your hand and guiding you down the sidewalk.
"YAY" you laughed swing your hands back and forth.

"Come out come out wherever you are" Cole singsonged, both of you were playing hide and go seek and you managed to fit under the kitchen sink.

You tried really hard not to burst out laughing but failed miserably. "HA!!" Cole said opening the door under the kitchen sink "found you!" He yelled in triumph.

"You wouldn't have found me if I didn't laugh" you said still laughing. Cole stuck his tongue out at you, "how did you fit under there?" He asked

"I don't know... And... I'm stuck" you sighed, "don't even think about it!!" You yelled at Cole as you saw a smile creep across his face.

Cole burst out laughing , " coooollleeeee" you whined "help me out!"

After Cole stopped laughing he pulled you out of your hiding place, "I love you" he said
"Sure you do" you said sarcastically, suddenly Cole wrapped his arms around your waist "you know I do" he said kissing your forehead. You blushes wildly, trying to hide your smile and how much you loved him back.

"Danaaaaaaa" you yelled from the top of the monkey bars.
"Whaaaatttt" Dana mocked you
"I'm stuck" you yelled
"Do you need help" Dana yelled
"Stop yelling " you laughed "and yes I need help"

Dana laughed and climbed on the monkey bars to sit next to you. "I'm here" he said
"thanks but I need to get down" you said smiling
"Let's just enjoy the view" Dana said holding you around the waist, you laughed and tried to hide your now red cheeks.

"Are you blushing?" Dana asked
"No" you said hiding your face
"I think you are y/n" Dana whispered in your ear
"Stop that!" You yelled
"Stop what? Being sexy?"
"I'm so done with you Dana" you said laughing
"You love me" Dana said snuggling into your shoulder.

You and David were taking a hike in the woods and you unknowingly walked into a ditch and twisted your ankle.
"Oww" you cried grabbing into your hurt ankle
"What's wrong?" David said immediately at your side.

"I twisted my ankle" you groaned, biting your lip to stop from crying. David scooped you up and carried you out of the woods bridal style and towards the house you both shared.

Opening the door he walked to the couch and gently placed you on it. Then he closed the front door and disappeared into the kitchen to find you a clothe and ice to put on your sprained ankle.

You stared at nothing until he came back with the ice. "Here you go" David said gently placing the ice on your sprained ankle.

"Thanks David" you said smiling through the pain.
"Any time" David said smiling and kissing your forehead.

"OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD!" You shrieked running,  around your house looking for Gabe.
"What happened" Gabe asked, appearing out of nowhere .
"I ACCIDENTALLY PUBLISHED MY WATTPAD STORY AND I DIDNT FINISH IT!!" You yelled, throwing the computer at him.

Gabe caught it, laughing to himself, he figured out how to unpublish the story and calmed you down. You sighed, relieved, "I was afraid my readers would yell at me.. Because I didn't finish it" you sighed

"They're not aloud to yell at you, only I can do that" Gabe laughed
"Thanks for saving me" you said laughing
"Anything for you" Gabe said kissing your cheek.

(I hope you liked these 😁 I did actually accidentally publish this preference without finishing it and I panicked.. Good thing my friend was here.. I thought I was dead meat 😂)

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