He helps you

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<and here's a preference for the horrible preferences I published before this>

"Ughhhh" you sighed slamming the math book on the kitchen table. "You've got to be kidding me" you grumbled banging your head on the wooden table. You heard foot steps approaching you and you knew it was probably your Boyfriend Will. By at the moment you didn't care because math and school were killing you. "What's wrong honey?" Will asked, "math is what's wrong! I just don't get it"
You reopened the math book to the lesson you were on. "Let me see" will said grabbing a chair and sitting next to you.
A few hour laters you could swiftly get through the math lesson that troubled you before.
"Thanks Shang you made this lesson 10 times easier"
"Any time" he said winking

"Cole help!!!" You shrieked, you had ski shoes on and you couldn't get them off. You started panicking because Cole was taking way too long. Finally he showed up with a worried look on his face. "What's wrong?" Cole asked you
"I can't get this shoe off" you said on the verge of tears.
"Don't panic, we'll get them off"
"I'm already panicking"
Cole ignored you and started pulling on the ski boot. "Ow ow ow ow ow" you yelped, I sighed loudly "try moving your heel" he ordered. "How the HEC am I suppose to move my heel" "just try"
Finally Cole got the ski boot off and your foot and heels life was saved.
<if you've ever been in this situation you should know the struggle>

"DANNAAAAAA" you shrieked, you had climbed up really high into a tree and you couldn't get down. "I told you" you heard your boyfriend yell "SHUTUP AND HELP ME DOWN!" A few minutes passed and Dana still wasn't next to you. You looked down again to see him holding up his phone and taking pictures ... Or was it a video? "DANA YOU JERK GET ME DOWN!" You shrieked. You must've scared him cause he dropped his phone, "okay okay" he said heading up the tree. He was finally sitting next to you "hello beauty" he said, frustrated you turned the other way. "Awww babe come on" he whined "I'm sorry"
"For what" you said still not looking at him
"For being a jerk sandwich, I promise I won't be a jerk sandwich again"
".... And a jerk face" you said climbing down"
"Heyyy I thought you were stuck!!" Dana yelled down at you
"That's what you thought" you said going all the way down and sprinting towards your house.

"Ow ow ow ow ow" you said, "David help" you yelped. You had gotten your fingers stuck in a drawer and you couldn't get them out, moving them around only made it worse.
"SPIDEYYYY" you yelled, in a second David was by your side.
"How did you do that" he said staring
"I'm sorry but less chatting more helping, I'll tell you after"
"Okay" David said putting his hands on yours and gently prying them out.
"It still hurts" you said through gritted teeth.
"I think the're broken" spidey said looking them over. "Ughhh again" you whined
David smiled "I'll get the tape. "

"How the hec" Gabe said looking up at you. 15 minutes ago you were in the attack and you accidentally walked on a soft spot causing you to fall and get stuck in the ceiling. "DONT STARE AT ME HELP!!"
"What if I give you splinters? " Gabe called up
"I think I already have a lot so more splinters can join the party" you grumbled
"Do you want me to pull your feet or your hands?"
"My hands" in a second Gabe was in the attic trying to pull you up.
"Ow ow ow ow ow" you yelped when he yanked your arm
"Try again" you said and Gabe listened, until there were was another crash and you were both stuck. "Great" you mumbled. "Can you call Cole or something" you asked him. "My phones down stairs" he said
"That's just... Awesome"

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