Imagine for Danielle

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(Heyooooo @IM5_5sos_1D here is your imagine, I hope you enjoy it!! Btw I cant help but notice that you like all the bands that I like lol!!) 

Today was just another boring day and Danielle had nothing to do but lie around, she was sitting on the couch reading books on wattpad and just enjoying peace and quiet. 

That was when her phone suddenly began to ring, she was startled a bit by the sudden sound but picked up the phone and answered. 

"Hello?" She answered 

"Heyy" said a voice that she knew belonged to Cole 

"Hey Cole, What's up?" 

"I was wondering if you would like to hang at my place with a couple of friends" He said, the tone in Cole's voice made it obvious that he was excited 

"Who is gonna be there" Danielle said crossing her arms although Cole couldn't see 

"Friends" Cole repeated 

"What about Will" 

"What about Will?" Cole said playing dumb 

"Is he going to be there?" Danielle asked obviously annoyed at how Cole was avoiding her question. 

"Can you please just come over" Cole whined totally ignoring her question

"..... fine" she muttered 

"Yay!!" Cole squealed "See you there!" 

Cole hung up before Danielle could say another word. She stared at her phone and sighed before logging out of her Wattpad account and getting up to check and make sure that she looked presentable. She quickly put on some make up and threw on some shoes before heading out the door and locking it behind her. 

Cole's house was a good walking distance from hers so she scampered down her driveway and began to walk down the street. Walking down her street wasn't something she did a lot but today was a perfect day for walking. 

Just as she turned to walk up to Cole's front door a car drove into his driveway and it was none other than Will. Danielle groaned and rolled her eyes before knocking on the door, Cole opened the door immediately as if he was standing right outside the door. 

"Hey!" He said smiling looking at Danielle and then at Will who was making his way towards the door

"How have you been Will" Cole said purposely not letting Danielle in until Will was standing right behind her 

"I've been pretty well" Will said smiling 

"Can I come in?" Danielle said trying hard not to be rude 

"Can WE come in?" Will said correcting her 

Danielle wanted to roll her eyes and push herself in but instead for some reason she blushed a little, she didn't know why and decided to ignore it. 

Cole raised an eyebrow at her.. He knew she was blushing "Sure come in" Cole said smirking 

Danielle walked in quickly while Will stepped inside slowly and closed the door. 

Danielle quickly walked into the kitchen and motioned for Cole to follow her. Once they were both in the kitchen alone Danielle tried to think of something to say while Cole leaned on the counter smirking. 

"Stop smirking" she muttered 

"You like him" Cole said snickering 

"No I don't" Danielle whined and crossed her arms 

"Dani and Will.. I can see that as being a thing" he said smiling

Danielle blushed even more "Just.. shut up and don't say anything to Will" she muttered and pushed her way out of the kitchen 

Everyone was in the living room sitting on the couches so Danielle sat on the couch across from Will and crossed her arms looking down, she could feel the eyes looking at her but she ignored them. 

"Who's ready for truth or dare" Cole said smiling 

"Why do we have to play truth or dare?" Dana asked laughing 

"Because this is my party  and I make the rules" Cole said giggling, he was obviously up to no good. 

"Alright Dana you go first" Cole said a bit too eagerly 

"Alright.. uhmm, Gabe truth or dare?" Dana asked 


"What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?" 

"Play this game, David truth or dare" Gabe said making everyone laugh at how fast he answered 

"Uhmm.. dare" David said smiling like always 

"I dare you to go outside and yell 'Top of the morning to yah'" (If you know where I got this from ILY) 

"On it" David said giggling and walking out the front door, we could here David yelling in what he called an Irish accent, he then came back in. 

Everyone laughed as he sat down "Cole truth or dare" He said laughing 


"Crack an egg on your head" 

"Why do I have to be the first one to get messy?" Cole jokingly whined and left to go the kitchen, he then came back and sat on the couch and with a straight face he smacked the egg onto his hair. 

Everyone burst out laughing while Cole sat there giggling a bit "Thanks David" He said 

"No problem bro" David said stifling another laugh 

"Will truth or dare?" Cole asked Will who was still laughing 

"Dare" Will said

"I dare you to call your crush" Cole said smirking 

"W...Why" Will said obviously not wanting too "Can I get a different truth" Will said blushing slightly 

"Nope, you picked dare" Cole said giggling 

"Finnneee" Will whined before pulling out his phone and looking for a number, finally he pressed dial and put the phone up to his ear. 

Suddenly Danielle's phone began to ring, nervously she answered the phone 

"Hello" Will said from across the room and also from Danielle's phone. 

Danielle blushed a deep red "W....Wait really" She stuttered 

"Yes" Will said 

Of course everyone Awww'd and and made kissy faces, Cole even shouted "I SHIP IT" making everyone laugh

The game continued like normal with a few giggles and bursts of laughter here and there. 

Once the party was over everyone left and Will drove Danielle home... all the awkwardness and hate they had towards each other disappeared and was replaced with love. 

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