Imagine for Jessie

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(I'm super late ... Sorry! Here is your imagine @hotcccy)

Today was Dana and Jessie's One year anniversary of dating each other, over the past couple of months their relationship only got stronger.

Everything between them was going swell and Jessie was extremely happy that she had a guy like Dana to always stay by her side and she didn't ever want to lose that.

Today she and Dana planned to go to the movies to watch the premiere of *insert fav movie here*

Jessie was really excited since she's been waiting for this movie forever. She ran around her house searching for the best outfit and throwing on some makeup and shoes.

Just as she was packing her purse the door bell rang. *Dinnnngggggggg*

She ran to the door and opened it to reveal her handsome as always boyfriend. "You ready?" Dana smirked

"Almost I just need to pack my purse" Jessie shrugged smiling

"Ah Okay" Dana sighed happily

Jessie ran to her purse before throwing her phone and the essentials in, then she walked to the door while Dana swung an arm around her shoulder as the walked out the door, closing and locking it behind them.

Dana shut the door behind Jessie before walking to the drivers side and stepping in, he started the car and they were on the road.

"Im so excited" Jessie squealed
"I know you are, so am I" Dana chuckled
"I can't believe you're taking me to the premier, I usually don't go to premiers" Jessie giggled
"I would do anything for you" Dana said sticking his tongue out
"You're so cheesy"
"How cheesy?"
"Really cheesy" Jessie laughed
"Why thank you babe" Dana said sarcastically
"Shhhhh you love me"
"Yeah I do"

Finally they arrived at the premier and there was a whole bunch of people there already. Dana parked the car and got out and soon after opened his girlfriends door.

She stepped out like a supermodel and Dana couldn't help but stare, he loved Jessie so much and he thought he didn't deserve her.. as she was the most beautiful girl on the world.

****** time skip to inside the movie********

Jessie and Dana sat inside the movie theater as the previews played and they pointed out to each other the movies they were excited to see.

Suddenly Dana whispered into Jessie's ear "I love you"

It came out of no where and Jessie didn't know how to react especially sense the tone in his voice was very serious.

"I... I love you too" she stuttered looking over into Dana's eyes, he instantly kissed Jessie on the lips... their first kiss.

(I know it's been a year and they haven't had their first kiss but go with it for the sake of the story)

The kiss only lasted for 3 seconds but it was the best 3 seconds of her life.

Jessie blushed immediately and smiled widely, "ill never leave you okay?" Dana said leaning his forehead on hers
"Okay... I'll always be here" she said happily

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