Falling in Love

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The thought of you always seemed to come to Wills mind.

He could never stop thinking about you, it was as if you were just permanently there.

Y/n stayed in his thoughts for ages, every unconscious dream and every daydream always consisted of You.

He remembered the way you looked at him when he makes a bad joke.

The way you scrunch up your noise when you smell something bad.

The way you laugh always made him smile but most importantly the way that your eyes sparkled was his favourite feature about you.

You were his everything

It was as if, he was the stars and you, the sky.

The quiet moments with you always filled Cole with wonder.

The way you stayed by his side and how he held his arms around you made him feel like nothing else in the world would be better.

Just to hear your breathe and your heart beat made him feel alright.

The way you fluttered your eyes and smiled, the way you walked.. everything about you

It was his kind of perfect.. and he didn't want to change a thing.

While you were away Dana missed hearing your laugh.

He missed those beautiful eyes that sparkled with wonder.

He missed always having you around and to himself.

He even missed your sarcasm that you threw at him almost everyday.

He missed you

Everything about you

But he knew that you would always come back.. sooner or later.

Without you David was like a lost puppy.

This was very true because he wouldn't smile like he always does.

But with you he always smiled.

Just the sight of you made him happy, it brought his spirits up and some how made you both even closer.

He loved you

And that would never change.

Although most of the time you and Gabe sat in silence and just stayed close next to each other.

Gabe would always remember these moments.

The way you snuggled close to him

The feeling of your arms wrapped around him and him yours

Just the connection between the both of you.

It wasn't something you could just ignore, he couldn't ignore it either.

So he thought... maybe this is love...

(Hoiiiii, I know I haven't updated a preference like this in forever!!! Please don't stab me!!)

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