Happy Valentines day!!

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(Happy Valentine's Day!! Everybody!! I hope you guys have a great day even if you're doing nothing because... *forever alone*  !! I hope this preference or imagine.. Whatever you wanna call it cheers you up.. And yeah.. Enjoy)

You and Will didn't have anything planned out for Valentine's Day as far as you knew. So you layer on the couch in the apartment that you and Will shared and clicked through a few Netflix episodes.

When you woke up that morning Will was nowhere to be found so you assumed he was recording some music for his upcoming EP.

Suddenly the door opened and Will came in, he was out of breathe and had a lot of grocery bags in his hands, he also was wearing a tuxedo for some reason.

"Do you need help" you asked him, he shook his head 'no' and hurriedly went to the kitchen. There was a chorus of banging and clanging going on in the kitchen but Will assured you that he was fine.

Finally after the noises calmed down, Will appeared outside of the kitchen, his hair a mess but a wide smile spread across his face.
"Y/n come here" he said

You stood up and slowly walked towards Will, once you were standing in front of him, Will grabbed your hand lead you into the kitchen. It was very dim in the kitchen and in the center of the room was a candle lit table with red petals all over the table and floor.

You gasped, covering your mouth. "TADA" Will said doing jazz hands. You giggled a little, surprised because you thought You and will were doing nothing today.

Will pulled out your chair and you sat down, he sat across from you. The food in between you both was chicken and salad.

"Bon appetite" Will said clinching his glass with yours. "Thank you Will" you said still speechless. "Anything for you honey" Will said staring into your eyes and hypnotizing you.
(Don't take that literally! You're not being abducted )

You and Cole were planning to go out to an amusement park and then have a fancy dinner. You quickly threw on your clothes and makeup and then locked arms with Cole, walking out the door.

"Are you excited?" Cole asked you, he looked more excited than you were.
"I'm so excited!!" You squealed, sliding into the passengers seat.

Cole drove you to the amusement park and you both excitedly ran into the park, excitedly looking at all the rides.

"Let's go on this one" Cole said pointing to one ride that spins really fast. "Okay" you said holding unto Cole's hand and following him into the ride.

"There is no belts.." You said starting to freak out "how am I suppose to strap myself to this wall?"

That was when the ride conductor closed the door to the ride and on the speaker he said "lay your back on the wall and don't leave the wall until the ride has come to a safe stop"

"I'm gonna fling everywhere without a belt" you said starting to breathe rapidly. "Shh it's okay, I'm here" Cole says guiding you towards a wall and laying back on it while holding your hand.

The ride began and it was really fun and made you feel a bit dizzy. Cole still held unto your hand while you both walked out and tried more rides.

Finally the park was close to closing time and you both left the park. "Did you have fun?" Cole asked you rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb. "Yeah I had a lot of fun" you said smiling.

Cole kissed your cheek and started the car, and you were both on your way to dinner.

You and Dana were having a sleep over at Dana's house. You laid on Danas couch with a pile of blanket on you.

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