Imagine for Kali

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( Hoii @Danger_Pendery_30 I'm happy to tell you that you're imagine has finally come!! I hope you like it and thank you for being so patient with me!!)

Today marked the 11 month anniversary of Kali and Cole being together, although it didn't seem like anything huge like one year. It did mark another day being with Cole.

Kali woke up semi early and got out of bed to throw on her favourite dress and small heeled shoes, she then headed to the bathroom to care for other needs and do her usual make up routine.

After that she walked downstairs happily and got herself breakfast, she thought about some ideas for how she could make tonight special.

Just as she was about to put her dishes in the sink there was knocking.... NO .. banging on the door.

Kali cautiously walked up to the door and swung it open. She jumped out of the way as Cole fell backwards on the floor with a girl on top of him.

He had red lipstick all over his lips and face, this shocked Kali and she jumped back confused.

"Cole... what?" She said upset
"Thi- THIS is not what it looks like" Cole said rushing to stand up and tried to walk towards Kali.
"THIS is exactly what it looks like" Kali said with an angry tone in her voice
"Kali.. I" Cole started
"NO Cole, don't talk to me just go"
"BUT Kaliyah I"
"LEAVE COLE! I was actually going to do something special for us today but I cant believe you would cheat on me ... just go" Kali said with tears streaming down her face, she didn't like crying in front of anyone but she couldn't hold the tears this time. 

Cole looked down upset and turned around to leave, the girl that was with him turned around as well to leave and with that Kali shut the door.

Thoughts zoomed through Kalis head. Why would Cole do something so bad as to cheat on her with another girl, how long had he been cheating and who could the girl be...

All the thoughts and emotions she was having didn't help her at all and she just sat on the floor alone sobbing. She had never felt so broken in her life and she didn't know what to do.. Maybe a little alone time would help this situation.

~~~~~~~~ 4 days later~~~~~~~~~~~~

After ignored Cole's messages and phone calls for so long, Kali finally decided to let him come over to her house and explain himself.

He would be arriving in the next hour so she made sure that she cleaned herself up and also the house, not because she wanted to impress Cole but because she wanted to look decent.

Ding dong.... Kali walked to the door taking her sweet precious time before opening it. There stood Cole, looking worse than the last time she saw him.

There was dark rings around his eyes and where the little twinkle in his eye was nothing, just sadness and hurt.

"Hi" Cole said looking up at her with a fake smile

"Hi.." she said awkwardly before letting Cole in

Once Cole was inside and the front door was closed, He and Kali went to the living room and sat down. They had already discussed via text, what was going to happen when Cole arrived so Kali sat patiently waiting for an answer.

"What you saw that day.. was not what it looked like.." Cole began "I was actually walking over to your house with a friend, her name was Rebecca, and she was supposed to keep on walking down the street while I walked up to your door but she followed me..." Cole paused for a second (for dramatic effect XD) and took a few deep breathes before E continuing, it looked like he was about to cry "she followed me and pulled me to face towards her and pushed me against the door several times, kissing me all over my face.. I tried to get away but she just kept on shoving me into the door.." Cole said looking down into his lap.

"Y-You're telling the truth?" Kali asked
"I wouldn't lie about this.." Cole said looking up into Kali's eyes with a tear falling down his cheek "I-I'm sorry.. I didn't mean for this to happen.. I-"
"It's okay Cole... I forgive you" Kali said sweetly

"T-Thank You.. I love you" Cole said hugging Kali

"I love you too"

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