Shy/ nervous

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"I have a question for you .." Will asked you nervously

"Yes ..?" You said

"Well uhh I .. I've had a crush on you for awhile and I was wondering if you wanted to possibly maybe go on a date with me" Will said all in one breathe "you don't have to if you don't want to" he finished

You were shocked that he actually asked you this question because you've had his huge crush on him for years.

"I- I would love to go on a date with you!" You said

"Really!!" Will said a smile spreading across his face

"Yes" you said nodding

You saw Cole's face turn red when you were holding his hand. You let go..

"Are you okay?" You asked him

"Y- yeah I'm fine" he stuttered

"Okay.." You reached to hold his hand again but he moved it.

"Let's go over there" he pointed to the benches

Ever since you arrived at the carnival with Cole.. It wasn't a date just something you guys like to do as friends... He was acting weird the whole time and his face was tomato red, is it possible he had a crush on you.. No. That can't be.

You rang the doorbell to David's house, he invited you over, along with the rest of the guys.

When David opened the door he just stared.

"Umm. Earth to david "

"O- oh s- sorry" he stuttered

You laughed as his face turned red and he smiled looking away.

"Can I come in?" You asked

"Oh yeah sorry" David said stepping out of the way

You walked in to see Dana smirking, Will smiling, Cole raising an eyebrow and Gabe just laughing.

You where waiting on the beach for Dana and the rest of the boys to arrive they were late, as usual.

Finally when they came you saw the other boys walking up to you and greeting you but Dana stood behind.

After saying Hi to the rest of the boys, you walked towards Dana. You saw him stiffen as you got closer.

"Hey Dana, what's up?" You asked him

"Umm uhh nothing" he said his face turning a bright red immediately

You grabbed his hand you both ran towards the water.

You were at the movie theater with Gabe ,(your boyfriend) this was something the two of you did most of the time but you didn't know that this experience was gonna be different.

The whole ride up Gabe acted nervous and he was obviously keeping something from you. Usually when you went to the Theater together he would go on and on about the character that would be in the movie... But this time was different.

Before the movie started he told you to sit In one of the seat and said he would be back.

"Y/n please come to the front" said a big speaker ... You were so confused so you did what the speaker said walking towards the front of the theater, you could tell every one was just as confused as you were.

When you made it up there, you saw Gabe walking towards you.

"Y/n I've known you for 3years and I could go on and on about how much I love you and how much you mean to me. ...... Y/n?"

"Yes?" You said barely over a whisper

"W- will you marry me?"

You couldn't the control all the tears that were falling from your eyes, you looked like Niagara Falls, you nodded your head as Gabe put the ring on and kissed your cheek, hugging you.

You could hear the crowd clapping and You and Gabe both bowed laughing and enjoying the rest of the night.

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