When your sick

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I was at the grocery store to get my girlfriend her favorite candy, the past day she came down with the flu and she wouldn't come out of her room unless she had to go to the bathroom or eat. I felt really bad so I wanted to do something for her.

I unlocked her front door (she gave me the key) and went inside. I immediately ran upstairs and walked into her room. "Pumpkin.. How are you feeling"

"Miserable " she said from under the covers.

I silently walked up to her, hiding the treats I got from the grocery store.

"Will I don't want you to get sick" she said peeking out.

"I'm not going to get sick" she sighed.

"I Brought treats" I said

Y/n immediately sat up and looking inside the bag.

The rest of the day we just ate ice cream and watched disney movies while snuggling.


I sat across from my girlfriend y/n. She had some type of contagious sickness and it was killing me, not being able to snuggle next to her and tell her that it's all right and that she get better soon. So the whole day I just sat and watched her. I took out a notepad and wrote something for her:

"How are you feeling princess?"

I handed it to her and watched as she read and wrote back.

"Horrible, I wish you were sitting next to me"

I read her writing and smiled, scooting closer to her and finally wrapping my arms around her waist.

**** couple hours later****

"I'm sick"


I ran home once I heard that my girlfriend was sick. I knocked on my girlfriends door and she opened it. Y/n had an ice pack on her head and was wrapping herself in blankets.

Y/n was shaking like crazy and her teeth were chattering I brought her to the couch and just held her close so she wild stop shaking. We eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.


I was laying on the couch with y/n watching an action/comedy movie.


"Yes babe"

"Your crushing me"

"Oops sorry" I said losing my grip on y/n

We both fell of the couch


"Yeeeessss" I said mimicking her

Y/n tried to give me an annoyed look but we just burst out laughing once we both calmed down we laid on the ground in front of the tv.

"I love you" I said kissing her cheek

"I love you too" she whispered and kissed me back.


I drove y/n home because she wouldn't stop sneezing and we forgot her allergy medicine at home. We both walked into her house and she quickly ran upstairs just to come down with an empty bottle.

"What do I do now" she said looking sad.

"Let's go to the store and buy more"


The whole ride she sneezed a hurricane.


"Bless you"


"Bless you"




"Sorry" I said squeezing her hand gently.

(I hope you like it please comment and vote.)

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