How you meet

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(Y/f/n = your friends name) (y/a= your age) (y/f/c= your fav candy)

You were hanging out with your best friend at a book store. You both whispered amongst your selfs, when you caught a boy with black hairs glance.
"What is it?" Your friend whispered
"That guy was staring at me" you said pointing, you can tell he was blushing.

"Then what are you waiting for, go talk to him" (y/f/n) said standing up and walking towards the boy. You chased after her, now he was really blushing.

"Hi" you said
"..... Hello"
"This is my friend y/n and I'm y/f/n" your friend said
"Hello, my names Will"

You and Will, began talking about random things like your favorite book/ movie/ tv series etc. That was when a friendship was born and maybe even more.

You were at the beach with a couple of your friends, everyone else was in the water while you were sunbathing. Suddenly you felt a shadow hovering over you, you opened your eyes to see a boy with tan hair and a white smile.

"Oh uh.. Hi... I was just making sure you weren't dead" he said sitting down next you, you were wondering if he was flirting.

"Well I'm not dead" you said sitting up and smiling
"What's your name?" He asked you "I'm Cole by the way"
"Y/n" you said smiling , yep he was definitely flirting
"Well nice to meet you y/n, have you gone swimming yet?"
"Yes, but I'm sunbathing now"
"Cool, soo uhh.... How old are you?" He asked "I'm 19"
"I'm y/a" you said giggling "I'm assuming you want my number?"

Cole blushed "well if you insist" he said smiling, you gave Cole your number and Then everything escalated.... Quickly

You were outside of an ice cream shop by yourself waiting for your friend to pick you up when you felt like you were being watched. You turned around to see a very attractive boy smiling at you, debating whether you should walk away or smile back, you turned back around.

"Hi! My names David" someone said, you snapped around to see the guy standing right next to you.
"H-hi I'm y/n" you stuttered
"I couldn't help but notice you over here by yourself" he said
"Oh I'm waiting for my friend"

Right on cue your friend pulled up honking. "Looks like I have to go" you said a bit disappointed.
"Wait" David said "take this" he wrote something down and gave it too you. Your hand in his felt like magic, but then the magic was gone, and the start of something huge began.

You were sitting inside a movie theater watching Avengers age of ultron, that was when Someone sat next to you. You froze for a second because your not use to random people sitting next to you.

That someone turned towards you, "do you want popcorn?" He said
"Umm uhh, I think you have the wrong person" you whispered
"Oh no, I like giving out popcorn, I saw you sitting all by yourself and I wanted to get you popcorn" he said "my names Dana by the way Dana vaughns"
"Oh" you said blushing "I'm y/n " you said taking the popcorn he offered

"I also have skittle and m&ms and y/f/c" Dana said
"ohhhhhh y/f/c.... Please" you smiled
"Here" Dana said handing you the candy

After the movie, you and Dana chatted for awhile and passed numbers

You stood in line for your favorite roller coaster, you were so excited you could barely contain your self, jumping around and giggling.
"Excited are we?" A dude with Black hair said
You blushed smiling "this is my favorite ride in this park so I'm really excited"

The guy smiled "I like this ride too, it's my second time on it"
"it's my 15th time" you smiled smugly
Gabe smiled "do you want to go on with me?"
"Sure" you said

You and Gabe went on the roller coaster a dozen of times, but his was only the beginning.

(WARNING: do not take candy from a stranger.....unless it's IM5)

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