Imagine for Raven

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< Hey!!! Sorry it took flipping forever! Just school and stuff lol that sounds like such an excuse... Anyway thanks for waiting patiently @Hetalia_Girl120 here is your imagine finally :p >

It was a regular summer day and you were sitting outside with a couple of your friends and one of your guy friends. Because it was pretty warm outside you all decided to go to the ice cream place down the street for some cool refreshments.

As you stood up to follow your friends down the street, your older brother Dana came outside. "Where are you going?" He asked

"Just to go get some ice cream with friends" you said
"For how long" Dana asked fidgeting
"I don't know... 20 minutes or something like that" you replied
"Can I come...." Dana said after a long pause
"If you want" you said following your friends who were already down the street.

"HEY WAIT UP!! DANAS COMING!" You yelled running after them, Dana right behind you.

You and Dana caught up with the group and you all started towards the ice cream place. Finally you arrived there and you ordered your favorite ice cream.

Dana had his arm around your shoulder the whole time, looking around like someone was gonna kid nap you or something.

"What's wrong? Why are you so obsessed with me?" You said laughing, Dana laughed along with you "it's just that your never out at this time of the day so I wanna make sure that you're safe" he said smiling.

"Dana I'm not a baby anymore" you whined
"Raven you'll always be my baby sister, always" Dana said hugging you, making you smile widely.

You could hear your friends "awww-ing" in the background. You laughed hugging Dana closer, you loved your older brother even if he was over protective, nothing could change your close relationship.

~I seriously hope this isn't too short.. And if it is... I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry ~

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