Imagine for Alissa

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<Here's your imagine @AlissaLittle !! I hope you have a very Merry Christmas Eve>

It was a cold Christmas Eve and you were suppose to meet Cole today, you and Cole were going to walk around and look at the small stores in your town. The only reason you were looking forward to walking around town was because of the Christmas lights that would be up sense tomorrow is Christmas.

You had your coat, hat and mittens on while sitting silently on your front porch, Cole should be here any minute. 15 minutes later you saw Cole walking towards you with a grin on his face.

"Hello princess Alissa" he said bowing and giving you a hand to help you stand up
"Hello prince Cole" you smiled

"What are you doing out here alone?" He asked
"Just waiting for the Christmas lights to come on" you said smiling

Cole wrapped his arm around your waist and you both walked down the street. It was silent only the crunching of the snow kept the silence from being awkward. Cole kissed your forehead, and squeezed your hand, once you got closer to the town.

Christmas lights where everywhere and the snow added a magical touch to it. You and Cole ran from shop to shop, gazing in awe at the decorations. Once you both stopped at every shop, Cole walked you back home.

"Thanks for coming with me" you said looking into Coles eyes
"Anytime, I would do anything for you" Cole said smiling back at you

Finally you reached your front door, "I guess I'll see you tomor-" before you finished Coles lips crashed into yours and you felt tingly all over, he had never kissed you before and you didn't know what to do, him being this close sent shivers down your back.

When your lips separated he kissed you on the cheek and bid you goodnight.

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