Dumb moments

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You and Will were having a serious conversation about birthdays.
"When your born.. Doesn't that make you 1? Because it is your first birthday" Will said
"Well you know, you do have two birthdays" you said stupidly
"Umm y/n" Will said
"Yeah" you said innocently
"You only have one birthday" Will said
"Oh.. Ohhhhhhh" you said
Will face palmed and the rest of the evening he teased you about it.

You and Cole laid on your backs and stared up at the blue sky, as the big fluffy white clouds passed by.
"I wish I could sit on the clouds" you said
"You can't" cole replied
"Why not" you asked him
"It's physically impossible.. You'd just fall through" he said
"GOSH COLE! LET ME DREAM!" You playfully punched him, he laughed.

"Has anyone traveled to the sun yet?" David asked you
"No they would burn up." You said
"Then why not travel at night? " David replied, you face palmed
"Well david you see, the sun doesn't have a turn off button so it's really hot all the time, even when we can't see it" you replied
"Ok" David said shaking his head like he understood, you couldn't help but love him so much.

You and Gabe where watching a batman movie.
"I just don't understand!" You said
"Understand what?" Gabe replied
"If batmans parents are dead ... Then how was batman born" you said thinking hard "did the director think this through?"
You could tell Gabe was holding in a laugh.
"What's so funny ? I'm serious" you said

Gabe burst out laughing leaving you confused, after he caught his breathe he replied.
"Batmans parents died.. After he was born!" He said
"Oh... Ohhhhhhh" you said
"Yes y/n yes" he said
You giggled at how stupid you sounded.

" y/n your stupid!"
"No I'm not !"
"What's 9 + 10?"
"Your stupid"

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