{Levi x Kinda Jealous Reader}

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You sighed as you walked out your office for another cup of coffee. Your small desk was piled up with paperwork you need to go through and sign for the new recruits. Who knew being a Squad Leader will end up filling in paperwork everyday? As you entered the kitchen, you saw your all-time crush; Captain Levi, also making coffee.

"Want any sugar in yours (F/n)?" He asked you flatly.

"Uh...yes please sir." You answered blushing a bit. You sat down at the table and waited for your captain to finish making coffee. He handed you your coffee a while later and sat down across from you. You thought about confessing your feelings and just as you were, Petra came in.

"There you are sir!" She purred making you glare at her. "You tired sir? Would you like me to give you a massage?" she purred again rubbing his shoulders. You noticed Levi tensing up at Petra's touch. You finished the rest of your coffee not caring if it burnt your tongue and slammed the door shut behind you.

"That girl is too Yandere Levi.....why do you even fancy her?" Petra spat.

"Don't disrespect your superiors Petra...." Was all you heard Levi say as you stormed off to your room. You locked your door and threw yourself onto your bed wanting to cry. You thought about Levi's response to Petra's question. Before you knew it, tears were running freely down your cheeks. You wiped them away frustrated and rushed to your bathroom to wash your face. There was a small knock on your door. You recognised the knock straight away and shouted:

"Petra, leave me be alright? Can't I have some time to myself?" Instead of leaving, she continued knocking. Frustrated and pissed, you slammed the door open revealing Petra with an odd expression whilst holding a sharp knife.

"P-Petra?" You asked concerned. "You alright?"

"Levi is mine, you touch him, I'll make sure you don't see sunrise again. So BACK OFF." She hissed. Inside, you were scared sh!tless, but on the outside, you laughed.

"Oh my Maria Petra....and you say I'm Yandere." You said between breaths. You clutched your stomach as your laughed. She attack with a punch which you dodged effortlessly and fired a kick to her stomach. She grunted in pain but recovered straight away and tried stabbing you with her knife. You blocked it but resulting a nasty gash on your forearm. She took the chance and pinned you against the wall with the knife against your throat.

"Let's get this over and done with yeah?" She told you as she kneed you in the stomach making you spit out blood and fall to the floor clutching your stomach in pain.

"Y-you're....crazy..." You wheezed.

"Am I?" She asked slightly taken back. You saw your chance and kicked her legs making her fall over, you got up unsteadily and tried taking the knife from her but she was quicker. She stabbed your thigh making you scream in pain and catching the passing soldiers' attention.

"Oh my Maria!" Yelled a tall boy with brown hair and green eyes. "I'll go get help!" And he rushed off.

"Thanks....Eren..." You whispered. Petra looked more furious. Petra was about to finish you off when she suddenly stopped and fell to the ground unconscious. You let out a shaky breath as your head begun to feel dizzy. Levi crouched down next to you and examined your wounds. He then picked you up bridal style as you began to lose consciousness.

"Oi brat (L/N)! Stay with me for a little longer will you?"

"Why didn't you let Petra finish me off? I thought you liked her. That's.... *Cough* I was so ..."

"Jealous?" Levi finished the sentence for you.


"I sensed it. I never liked her-"

"BUT YOU JUST SAT THERE LETTING HER FLIRT WITH YOU!" you yelled in frustration and sadness.

"Shhh...rest now. You've lost a lot of blood."

"you.....don't say.." You said drifting off to sleep.


You woke in a huge comfortable bed. You sat up and realised you weren't in your room or the infirmary. You were in Levi's bedroom. You've only been in here once for the three years you've been in the Survey Corps.

"You're awake." Said a voice making you jump. You looked over to the chair next to the bed and found Levi there with his arms folded.


"Why are you in my room? Well I don't really trust the nurses nor hygiene in the infirmary so I brought you here and treated your wounds." Levi explained with no emotion.

"Oh...Thanks?" You said. By now, you were a blushing mess.

"Anything for my girl."


"Nothing." He smiled and kissed your forehead.

Sorry that sucked, I wanted to write something quickly so I don't keep you guys waiting!! I Hoped you enjoyed it!! Plz comment and vote!! :)

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