Episode 2

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This may end up being a short story, I don't have many ideas at the moment for it. Just a head up! 


Joe pulled up outside a house at about four that afternoon, he had just finished work and was starting on his evening activities. He will admit himself he wasn't very well, mentally anyway but since the age of just seventeen he had this fascination with this girl. He had no idea what had attracted her to him but all he knew was how much he loved her. He had never met the girl before. He knew exactly where she was as at what time, what she was doing and what she would be doing later on. He was a stalker. Three o'clock she would leave work and head straight to the local kindergarten building where she would pick up her twin boys, she would then head home with them locking the door behind her making a start on dinner for the three of them. After dinner she would bathe the boys and settle them down in front of the TV with a mug of warm milk before putting them to be being sure to read them a story of some sort. Once they were settled and in bed she spent her night in front of the TV herself often with a glass of her favourite white wine, sauvignon blanc. She went to bed around ten thirty when Joe would go home to bed himself. He knew the perfect spot to watch them and if he couldn't he could climb up the tree house in the backyard then he could see into the bedrooms.

"Mommy!" Demi hears looking to the side seeing her two boys running towards her hugging both of them when they jump on her. Demi smiles pulling away from them taking their bags from them throwing them around her two shoulders so they could all walk home together, it wasn't a far distance which is why Demi brought the house she did.

"Hi boys, how was kindergarten?" Demi questions the three of them beginning to walk the boys still holding their mom's hand so they wouldn't run off and get into danger.

"Fun!" The older one of the boys, Jayden,  exclaims his right arm going up into the air.

"I made a card! It's drying in the classroom!" Isaac exclaims.

"That's nice, I'll have a look at it tomorrow when you bring it home then," Demi states Isaac shaking his head quickly. "And why not Isaac?"

"It's for your birthday!" He exclaims again making Demi laugh.

"My birthday was weeks ago baby boy but thank you." Demi answers squeezing his hand gently but not hard enough to hurt her youngest boy. Demi loved her twin boys so much, she'd give birth to them all over again knowing how great they have turned out. She just wished their father was still around, they didn't have their father's influence.

Joe sat up in his chair as he saw Demi walk down the street like she usually does at this time her boys following behind her as Demi takes the keys out of her pocket. He gripped onto the steering wheel trying to ignore the ache in his heart as she slowly disappeared into the house. He was madly in love with this girl and he had never even met her.

Demi had never noticed how much the black car was outside her house on the opposite side of the road. She just presumed it was somebody's car from the houses opposite them but for some reason that night she noticed it. She raised her eyebrow not recognising the car however she shrugs it off continuing to close the curtains.

"Come on boys, finish your milk then it's off to bed." Demi says her hands meeting in front of her. Jayden and Isaac finish the last bit of their milk before handing their mugs to Demi making their way upstairs. Demi places the mugs on the side before following them upstairs.

"Mommy can we have this story today?" Jayden questions handing her a book.

"Sure Jay, get into bed then." Demi encourages both of them climbing into their bed, Jayden climbing to the top of the bunk bed. They took turns being on top usually by weeks. Demi tucks both of her boys in before beginning to read the story to them, it didn't take too long until they were asleep Demi closing the book however she didn't notice the man in the tree house watching her.    


Finding Joe creepy? haha! 

Comments please!

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