Episode 71

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"What are you doing in the maternity section? Why are you crying? Is everything okay?" Steph questioned but Joe didn't say anything, he was at loss of what to say. It was all getting a bit much for him to cope with, something being wrong with his girlfriend and his babies and now Steph has come back onto the scene who was clearly pregnant. He just wished it wasn't his baby, he knew it was a possibility, they were together for just over a year and a half. Joe took in a deep breath wiping away his tears and the sweat that was building up.

"My twins are only twenty three weeks along, my girlfriend thinks she is having contractions." Joe explained his eyes not helping but wondering to her bump.

"I'm sorry to hear about that." She spoke noticing where her eyes were. "She's yours." Steph laid her hand on her bump but he just let the tears roll down his cheeks again. He wasn't too thrilled about the baby being his but she was still his child no matter who the mother was. He was more angry at Steph more than anything for not telling him sooner, he knows that he has moved in with Demi since but she still knew where his parents lived and his brothers to find a way to contact him.

"How far along are you?" Joe questioned this time.

"Twenty nine weeks, I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I just thought you wouldn't be happy about it." Steph explained but the dates did add up to when they were dating. He looked behind him when he heard a scream.

"I need to get back to her, I hope everything is okay with the baby," Joe stated knowing that it was late at night and she was here, they don't do appointments this late. "I'll call you soon."

"I have the same number." Steph answered allowing him to rush off to get the ice chips for Demi. He just had a lot on his mind.

Joe darted back in the room just in time for the doctor to enter the room as well after doing some tests on Demi to see what was going on. He wouldn't tell Demi about Steph or about the other daughter he would be having until after all this has passed over, he didn't want to cause her any more stress than what was needed. They just wanted to know what was going on with their babies at the moment, whether they could survive this. Demi doesn't understand why this happened, her pregnancy with Jayden and Isaac couldn't have gone better.

"I'm afraid what you are experiencing is early contractions, it's not unusual for this to happen when it's twins and most of the time we can stop the labour." The doctor explained but Joe and Demi could see the worry on his expression that something else was wrong more than just the fact that Demi was in labour now when she is just twenty three weeks along.

"W-What's wrong?" Demi whimpered slightly.

"I'm afraid you are eight centimetres dilated already and it's too late to try and stop the labour. I predict the first baby will be here within an hour." Joe held Demi in his arms as she cried into his chest. There's nothing that he could say that would make her feel better.

"What is the chance they will survive?" Joe questioned.

"I'm sorry but not very high, it's rare a baby is able to survive before twenty four weeks but we have a successful baby unit where they will be looked after twenty four seven. We will try our best to make sure you go home with both your babies. A midwife will be with your shortly to take you to delivery, a team will be ready when they arrive to make sure they are okay," He replied, Joe and Demi thanked him before he left to continue his rounds. Joe leaned down kissing her head gently but kept his face near her head able to breathe in her scent.

"Our babies are gonna die." Demi whispered not attempting to wipe away her tears that were starting to mix with the sweat on her forehead. Joe just shushed her only holding her hand tighter when another contraction hit her just as a midwife entered the room. They waited until the contraction was over before moving Demi to delivery. 


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