Episode 43

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four weeks, a whole month went by and Joe and Demi had been on a couple more dates, three in total. They were finding out more and more about each other everytime they went out by themselves. They had seen each other a lot more other than on dates Jayden and Isaac growing closer to him meant him spending a lot of time at their house rather than his own but he still found time for work. It was getting easier now it was at the end of the year, the seniors had graduated and he didn't set many assignments now that he would need to grade. On their last date they made their relationship official, they were officially boyfriend and girlfriend. It didn't take long for them to tell families who all were happy for them. They had plenty of support.

"Why aren't you at work?" Selena questioned as she entered Demi's house shrugging her coat off her shoulders slipping her shoes off then following Demi into the living room where they both took a seat on the couch next to each other.

"I've been feeling nauseous for a couple of days now but I haven't been sick yet." Demi explained sighing at the end. She hated feeling like this, she would rather just throw up and get it over with then most likely she would feel much better.

"You coming down with something?" Selena questioned again feeling her head Demi soon laughing swatting her hand away.

"Um I think I might be pregnant." She revealed Selena's eyes widening slightly but Demi did notice, she will admit it came to a surprise to her as well.

"You slept with Joe already? You've only been together for a couple of weeks." Selena stated.

"Three weeks and four days but we're adults so what's the problem, we had sex on the first day he asked me out on a date. Plenty of people have sex on the first date." Demi shrugged her shoulders making Selena laugh.

"Not usually before you've gone on the date, how are you not panicking over this?" Selena inquired Demi the one who laughed this time.

"Because I've been through it all before with twins, my boys are amazing and if their little brother or sister turns out just half amazing as they are I've done a good job. I feel as if I'm ready to have another baby, Joe is an amazing man and great with the boys and I know he'll be thrilled to be a father himself." Demi explains.

"But you've only known each other for a couple of months, what about what happened two years ago? Does that not scare you that he might turn back to his past, become the stalker he was once?" Selena questioned Demi sighing, it seemed as if she was the only person who was happy about the baby.

"Joe isn't like that anymore, he got help and he has mental exercises he does when he feels as if he will become that person again. I trust him with my life and I trust him to be happy about this." Demi stuck up for her boyfriend.

"I'm happy for you Demi I really am, I just don't want you or this baby to get hurt. What if he turns into Jack?" Demi sighed at the sound of his name feeling her body tense up but she calmed down knowing it wasn't good for her baby. If there even was one.

"Then I will have to raise him or her by myself again but I don't know, Joe just feels different and in a good way." Demi vowed sighing standing up. "I'm going to go take a pregnancy test so I can finally get the nerves off my shoulders, I just wanted you here."

"I'll always be here for you Demi." Selena vowed too standing up the two best friends sharing a hug Demi being the one who pulled away.

"Thanks Sel." Demi spoke through a smile. The two best friends made their way upstairs and into Demi's room. Selena wished Demi good luck before she entered the bathroom, she followed all the instructions on the box then laying the test down in the sink setting the timer on her phone for three minutes like the test had said. She pulled the toilet lid down holding onto her phone with a tight grip now time watching the anticipation getting too much for her.


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