Episode 51

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Two months passed by and summer had started, Demi was still at work but Joe stayed with Jayden and Isaac looking after them and bonding with them more while she was. She only worked small hours so she wasn't gone for more than six hours but it paid enough for the three of them to live and have some treats every so often though Joe seemed to be paying for the treats lately. Demi was now fourteen weeks pregnant and today had the day off work so her and Joe could go to her twelve week scan and see how their children were doing.

"You boys going to look after Alfie and Benji while we're gone." Demi encouraged but she knew how good her boys were, they were doing well at taking care of the kittens even cleaning up after them which she thought may have been a hassle but they were up for any challenge and were doing well. They knew that they were going to be great big brothers.

"They're sleeping." Isaac complained Demi laughing.

"They will be awake soon, be good for Nana and Grandpa." Demi kissed both their heads saying goodbye to her parents before meeting Joe in the doorway grabbing his hand. Joe bided goodbye to before they both left climbing into the car.

Demi laid back on the bed thanking Joe for helping her up. She had started to show a bump by now with having twins growing but she could still cover it up with a baggy shirt which she did at work. She would try and stay at work for as long as she could so she was able to spend more time with her twins when she had given birth but she knew she would get tired quicker and she may not be able to move around as much as normal.

"Any problems?" The doctor questioned.

"I've been having bad morning sickness but other than that nothing." Demi admits.

"How bad is it?" The doctor inquired knowing that she could do something to help settle it if it was something that was affecting her everyday life.

"Like get up from the dinner table for the fifth to throw up bad." Joe answered the doctor laughing as he got a smack on the chest by Demi.

"Yeah quite bad, it seems better today though." Demi admitted.

"I'll prescribe some pills but for now shall we have a look at little ones?" Demi nodded her head eager not even caring how old the gel is when she squeezed it on her small bump. She just wanted to know how much her babies had grown, she might be able to actually see her babies a little clearer which is all she really wants besides both of them being healthy.

"Here they are." The doctor said as the screen came up showing the sonogram of what was happening inside Demi. A smile pulled at either side of Joe's lips seeing this for the time, he thought it was just amazing that those were his children.

"They have grown." Demi acknowledged  also smile.

"Indeed they have and now I can tell you that all fingers and toes are there and if I look closer I can also not see any problems with either of them." She explained then flicking a switch the room then filling with the sound of their baby's heartbeats. It brought a tear to both of their eyes hearing how calm and happy their children were, that Demi was creating the best home she could for them and she would carry on doing what she was doing.

"You know I think it's amazing my babies are growing in there." Joe told Demi as they wondered through the halls, he couldn't help but squeeze her hand Demi smiling laying her spare hand on her bump. She could feel movement inside of her but not really any kicking yet, she knew that would come later on.

"It is amazing and we'll get to meet them six months time." Demi reminded him Joe smiling as she did too.


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