Episode 77

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Demi stayed in the hospital for a couple of days just to make sure that she was okay then the discharged her. They would be coming back at least twice a day to spend some time with Maya, they wanted her to know that they were her parents and not some nurses who had been caring for her. They trusted their daughter with these nurses. Joe helped Demi up stairs and onto the bed where she would be spending a lot of her time until Mason made his appearance. She needed to rest as much as she could over the next couple of months so Mason wasn't born dangerously early like his older sister. Demi settled down on the bed as Joe laid down next to her.

"It's good time be home." Demi admitted turning her head to the side so she was facing Joe, he smiled leaning down pecking her lips gently.

"Shame we can't bring Maya home." Joe spoke.

"She's better where she is and so is Mason, let's just relax and have a stress free couple of months. Everyone will be here for Christmas and that's what we should be looking forward to," Demi expressed but felt Joe tense up against her as if something she said had bothered him. "Joe what's wrong?" Joe shook his head gently.

"Nothing, I'll go see how the boys are." Joe leaned down kissing her lips gently before leaving the room shutting the door behind him. He took in a deep breath before making his way down the stairs. He couldn't do it. He couldn't tell Demi that he could be becoming a father to another baby girl that she didn't know about. He didn't want to lose what he had with her.

"Mommy is resting so we need to be quiet." Joe demanded softly laughing as Jayden and Isaac put their fingers on their lips to each other. They were playing with Alfie and Benji, using a string toy running around the room making the young cats chase after them. They continued playing with the cats until Alfie and Benji got bored and wondered into the kitchen.

"Why isn't mommy with Maya?" Isaac questioned sitting on the couch next to Joe.

"Because Maya has nurses taking care of her so mommy and daddy aren't needed." Selena explained before Joe could say anything.

"Is she really small?" Jayden questioned.

"Very, like this small." Joe stated showing them with his hands how big their sister was.

"Wow that's small!" Isaac exclaimed Joe laughing slightly.

"Come on, let's watch some cartoons." Joe suggested Jayden sitting on the chair next to the couch as Joe changed the channel.

"Have you told her yet?" Selena questioned quietly to Joe who shook his head gently. Selena knew that it would be a problem for him to get the courage to actually tell her this news but they both knew that it needed to be done and as soon as possible. Demi couldn't accuse him of hiding something from the relationship the quicker he told her. "You need to do it now Joe, don't come down until you have done." Joe sighed.

"What if she breaks up with me?" Joe questioned.

"Then I will have words with her because this isn't something you should break up over, this couldn't be helped." Selena insisted.

"Fine wish me luck." Joe got up from the couch wondering out the room, he could feel his forehead building up with sweat the closer he got. He could feel his stomach tying up in knots as he feared what Demi's reaction would be to all this. He could have told her about all this sooner if Steph had told him sooner than just two and a half months before she's going to give birth. Joe pushed the door open to the bedroom he shared with Demi smiling slightly when he saw her laid on the bed reading her book trying to relax.

"Hey Joe, what's up?" Demi questioned looking over at him.

"Hey, can we talk?" He questioned back shutting the door. That's when Demi became nervous herself.


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