Episode 36

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Demi helped both of them up onto the bed smiling when they cuddled up to her, she will admit her ribs were aching a bit but she didn't care as long as she had her boys back in her arms. She had never been so scared before when the car hit her and she fell unconscious, she was in so much pain when she woke up in the ambulance and she knew that she wouldn't get the scenes of the day out of her head but it all went away when she had her boys in her arms. 

"We missed you mommy!" Jayden exclaims. 

"I missed you too but I'm fine okay, you don't need to worry about me anymore, I'll be out here before you know it and we can go back home." Demi reassured stroking both their hairs. The three of them stayed quiet just happy to have each other back. 

"How could you let him look after them? You know what he did." Demi whisper yells knowing that Joe was outside was outside waiting for them. He still planned to take the boys out whether it was to a game or just to the park. If Demi let him. He still didn't quite know how she felt about him taking care of them for four days and a couple of days added onto that. 

"We didn't do it knowingly, we thought they were in a care home but Joe offered to take them because they didn't want to go to the care home. They were with him for four days Demi and they loved every second they spent with him." Dianna reassured Demi sighing looking over at her twin boys who were playing in the reading in the corner with a book they got from the waiting room. 

"Why don't you ask them yourself." Eddie states, they knew it would take some convincing but if they managed to convince her to let Joe back into their lives he could prove to her how good of a person he now is. How good he is with the twins. 

"Boys can you come here?" Demi questions then looking up at her parents. "Can you give us a moment?" They both kissed her head before they left the room deciding to sit down next to Joe and give him some company. Demi helped them back up on the bed being careful that they didn't knock her leg which seemed to be causing her more pain than anything. 

"Are we having cuddles again?" Isaac questioned laying his head on his mom's chest, Demi smiled kissing his head then Jayden's. 

"There's no bad time for cuddles," Demi begun. "Tell me about what you did while I was away." She demanded softly. 

"We stayed with Joey! He took us to the park, gave us desert before dinner and helped us with our homework!" Jayden exclaimed clearly excited about what he had been doing over the past couple of weeks, Demi too couldn't help but smile as Isaac carried on telling her what they had been up to with Joe, it was clear they had a good time even after the four days when their Grandparents came home to take them off his hands. 

"He helped us make you cards!" Isaac finished babbling but Demi had heard enough to know that they were okay and how much fun they had. She couldn't be more ecstatic not only that they are okay but because she helped Joe by not pressing charges on him over two years ago. It clearly helped him since he is now a changed man. 

"I love every single card you made me and thank you for the flowers, they are beautiful." Demi gazed past her leg covered in a cast looking at the cards on the table and the flowers. 

"Joey brought them but we picked them out!" Jayden exclaimed.

"How about you boys go get a snack with Gran and Grandpa, could you tell Joey I want to speak to him?" The boys followed her order wondering out of the room Demi sighing staring at the flowers again. She didn't know what to do, whether to let Joe in their lives mainly so they could have that manly figure to look up to or just push him away again. Her eyes moved from the flowers to the door when she heard it open again. 

"Jay and Isaac said you wanted to see me?" Joe questioned clearly nervous as he scratched his head.


I won't be posting again today, I'm going through a tough time. 

Comments would be great though.

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