Episode 66

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Soon enough summer was coming to a close, Jayden and Isaac will be beginning second grade within a couple of weeks after having a great summer with their mom and the man they now saw as their father . Joe soon got used to being called daddy and now it just seemed like it had always been that way. He was so thankful for Demi and the boys, they seemed to help him get over Grace that little bit more. Demi however didn't know that Joe had been stalking her since before Jayden and Isaac were even born. Joe didn't even know that she didn't know. Demi is now twenty one weeks along and they would be going to the twenty week scan to see how their twins have grown since last time even though it was only a couple of weeks ago. With the bleeding that occurred the doctors wanted her to have more than the three scans most women have but they had no doubt their twins will have grown even more. They would be finding out what they were having too.

"You ready Demi?!" Joe called up the stairs. "Nick and Selena will be here any minute!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" She shouted back Joe not helping but laugh. Joe and Demi decided not long ago to set Selena and Nick up and now they were a official couple.

"Daddy where are you and mommy going?" Isaac questioned when he heard them shouting, Joe smiled bending down to his level which meant he was stood on his knees but even then Isaac was still a little taller than he was. They were growing fast.

"Me and mommy are just going to the hospital, to see how your siblings are doing. Nicky and Selena will be coming to look after you while were gone." Joe explained.

"Are the babies okay?" He inquired Joe smiling again.

"They seem fine, it's just like a check up to make sure everything is going smoothly and the way it should." Joe explained again hoping to make sense of it for him.

"Isaac are you okay?" Demi questioned as she came down the stairs carefully not rushing in case she tripped. That wouldn't end well.

"I was just explaining that we're seeing if the babies are okay." Joe filled Demi in as she reached the bottom of the stairs caressing Isaac's hair when he hugged her laying his head down on the bump giggling when he heard gurgling noises.  

"That's right, it's just to see if they are okay. We will also be able to find out if you have brothers, sisters or one of each." Demi revealed turning Isaac a little puzzled.

"You don't get to pick?" Isaac questioned neither of them helping but to laugh.

"No Isaac we can't, it's a total surprise." Joe stated kissing his head before standing up straight again.

Joe and Demi set off as soon as Selena and Nick arrived. They were excited to see what the doctor had to say about their children and how much they had developed. Joe held Demi's hand as she signed in then they both took a seat Joe only settling down on his when he knew Demi was as comfortable as she could get. She was suffering with backache a lot but Joe would give her massages and run hot bubble baths most nights.

"What do you want?" Demi questioned looking at her boyfriend.

"If I'm being honest one of each would be nice, they will be my first biological children. A girl for you and just a boy to carry on the Jonas name." Joe grinned making Demi laugh.

"I'm sure there's enough of you Jonas' around." Demi teased kissing his cheek.

"One of each would just be ideal I think." Joe admitted.

"As long as I get a little girl I don't care." Demi vowed Joe knowing that she was serious, she wanted Jayden or Isaac to be a girl but didn't get her wish. All she wanted was a healthy baby girl, she would love them just as much if she got two boys again though. They would still be her children no matter what gender they were. She just wanted a girl to teach her all in the ins and outs of the world, be able to take her through life and when she is grown up and has her own life be able to say that she raised that successful woman into the woman she was today. 


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