Episode 8

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Demi left Jayden alone to sleep knowing what happened in the day, he must have been tired. She knew he needed to eat to continue growing into the boy she wanted him to so she wondered upstairs leaving Isaac to eat alone for a couple minutes. She kneeled down by the bunk bed thankful she laid him on the bottom bed kissing his head gently before saying his name softly into his ear. The boy stirred awake looking up at his mother, she could see his eyes building up with tears as he leaped on her giving her a tight hug.

"I'm sorry mommy!" He exclaimed Demi smiling rubbing her son's back gently.

"It's okay Jayden, you aren't harmed just don't do it again okay?" She spoke pulling away from him Jayden nodding his head. "Now how about we get some dinner?" Demi inquired standing up, Jayden got off the bed too holding onto his mother's hand as they exited the room. Joe smiled from the tree house making his way down the stairs. He went home at that point feeling as if he had spent enough time with Demi and her boys. His headache seemed to fade when he was close to her but he knew it was just his mind playing tricks on him.

"Mommy can we play a board game?" Isaac questioned Demi looking up at the time nodding her head gently telling him to go pick one. They could have a little later night tonight since Jayden had slept for a couple of hours before dinner, she would take Isaac up if he fell asleep before. Isaac game back with a box containing one of the family favourite games. Demi set the game up at the table the two boys sitting up at the table opposite her.

"Mommy Joey is my best friend." Jayden stated not having stopped talking about Joe for most of the time he had been awake. Demi knew he must have made a huge impact on him with the small amount of time they spent together. She just wondered why of all people he went to him, she doesn't recognise him or feel as if she's met him before.

"Baby remember he's a grown up and has problems of his own, he probably has his own family to worry about so don't go trying to ask him to play with you." Demi explains, she knew Jayden could never be friends with this guy. It just wouldn't happen.

"Is he a daddy?" Isaac questioned.

"He could be, he could have his own cheeky monkey's!" Demi exclaims making them laugh.

"Maybe he could be my daddy." Jayden mumbled Demi sighing slightly. She knew one day they would question who their father was and wanted someone around who could be their father. She just never prepared herself to talk about him again.

Joe made his way up the stairs in his apartment block earlier than usual that night. He reached his floor opening the door wondering down the halls his keys in his hands ready to unlock the door only when he turned the corner he bumped into his twin brother who looked concerned. Nick's expression softened when he saw Joe.

"There you are, where have you been?" Nick questioned not noticing any bags in his hands to indicate that he had been shopping or anything.

"I went out for dinner." Joe explained carrying on his way down the hall.

"Really? Who with and what did you have?" Nick inquired following his brother into his one bedroom apartment. Joe moved out from his parents house just as soon as he was owning his own money, it was better for him and he could have the privacy he always wanted then when he was back at home. He will admit he could see his parents a lot more.

"Alone and I had steak.," Joe lied but Nick could see straight past it all. "Look what do you want cause I have some work to mark that needs to get done."

"I just came to see how you were but I guess I'll go if you don't want me here." Nick left again leaving Joe sighing slumping down on the couch.


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