Episode 87

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Joe took a seat on the chair opposite the desk. He could feel his heart pumping in his chest the more the seconds went by. This was a big deal for his whole family and it would make everyone's life that little bit easier if the baby wasn't his. He knew Demi wasn't completely behind the thought but she'd put up with it if she had too. The doctor sat down in his chair opposite Joe bringing up the files on his laptop turning the screen so Joe could see.

"You are not the father," The doctor spoke Joe taking in a huge breath of relief, they lives just became a whole lot easier. Joe stayed quiet though wanting to hear what the doctor had to say. He knew now that Steph had cheated on him while they were still together but somehow that didn't surprise him. He was just so happy to get over Grace at the time and she was the only one there for him besides his family. He had lost everything at that point in his life. He wouldn't have guessed when he walked out of the treatment centre he would be where he was now. "When we had the test done the other day Stephanie asked me to tell you that you were the father whether you were or not and gave me this." The doctor handed over a twenty dollar note, Joe just shook his head gently.

"I knew she was lying, I'll give this back to her and thanks for everything." Joe replied standing up shaking the doctor's hand.

Joe exited the room seeing Steph still sat there the baby now back in the stroller that she used to bring her here. He was looking forward to just walking away and never having to see her again, to finally get rid of her after she had been at the back of his mind since the day Maya was born. He didn't need to worry about her anymore.

"The doctor wants you to have this back," Joe begun handing her the note. "I'm not the father but good try, goodbye Steph." Joe was calm as he walked away to go be with his real family not even looking back once when she called after him.

"You should be mine not someone else's!" she screamed but Joe turned the corner. He never needed to see her again, she was a cheater and he knew that he was going to continue to live his life without her and with the girl he loved more than anything. He knew Demi would never cheat on him, they were faithful to each other already before they got married. It took less than a year for him to fall totally in love with her and he wouldn't change it for anything.

"You should be sleeping!" Joe exclaimed as he entered the hospital room seeing Demi wide awake, he knew that she just wanted to spend time with her daughter before they could go home. They would have Jayden and Isaac to amuse as well while they were at home but they knew that they would be considerate about their sisters when they needed the attention.

"Maya is here look!" Demi grinned Joe wondering over to the crib smiling when he saw his two daughters together for the first time. "Maisie is still bigger than Maya."

"She'll grow won't you princess." Joe cooed leaning down kissing both their heads Maya smiling as did their parents. It was a hard situation for them both to explain, when people would ask how they had babies so close together. Their family was just different. Maya would be walking and talking months before Maisie which was hard to think about.

"What's the news then?" Demi breathed as Joe sat on the edge of the bed wrapping his arm around her bringing her in closer to him.

"We don't have to worry about Steph anymore, I'm not the father." Joe answered smiling as did Demi but he soon kissed her smile away.

"Are you okay with it all?" Demi questioned biting her lip.

"I'm ecstatic about it all, we can finally settle down with our boys and girls." Joe answered Demi smiling again. The two parents looked down in the crib doing nothing more but admiring their little girls. It was all coming together now for them.


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