Episode 20

547 35 2

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I met up with an internet friend for the first time!  


"Put the gun down and your hands up!" The police demanded not long later pointing their own guns at Joe which he could see out of the corner of his eye but he made no effort to move, the gun was still pointed towards Demi. They were both sweating Joe being the only one who was crying but he could see the panic on Demi's face that he would pull the trigger or that Jayden or Isaac would come see what was happening. They shouldn't have to see their mom in this situation.

"No she's turning me crazy, if I shoot now it will all be gone!" Joe screams back.

"Joe shooting her isn't going to help anyone!" Denise shouts after him but his arms didn't move again besides shaking out of fear. Demi stepped out the house a little bit more her eyes on Joe's finger the whole time seeing if he would pull the trigger, she knew she'd be dead no matter where he shot her at this close of a distance but she didn't want the risk of the boys seeing a man shooting a gun at her face. "Can I go up to him?" Denise requested to the police, they talked to each other briefly before nodding their heads. Denise opened the gate wondering through it beginning to go up the path but his voice prevented her from continuing.

"I'll shoot if you come any closer!" He warned.

"Joe this isn't Grace remember, this is Demi and she doesn't deserve a gun pointed at her. If you shoot this girl you'll kill her, you'll send yourself to jail for the rest of your life which would turn you insane too. Just think about what you are going to do and what your punishment will be for the actions." Denise spoke as she stood still.

"I-I don't care!" He screamed back.

"I know you do Joe, just think." Denise replied calmly, they all knew if they panicked especially Demi the situation would just get worse. Joe thought she was panicking but she was just as calm as anybody else besides Joe.

"We have no time for thinking, if you don't put the gun down in three we'll have no choice but to shoot." One of the police officers called out. They were all surprised when Demi lifted her hand up pushing his arm out of the way gently. Joe fell to his knees choking on his own tears as Demi fell down next to him giving him the biggest hug she could. Holding him in her arms as he cried into her.

Joe was sat on a bench not far away from Demi's house less than an hour later a blanket covering his shoulders as he gripped onto his mug of coffee. Denise was sat down on the bench next to him holding onto his hand as they sat in silence. He knew what he had done and knew how serious it was, they were awaiting to hear whether Demi was going to press charges against him since he actually didn't do anything, just threatened or whether they could just forget about everything. But he knew deep down that nobody was going to forget what kind of person he became today.

"Will you believe me now that you need help?" Denise broke the silence squeezing his hand gently. Joe nodded his head slightly.

"Serious help, I don't know who that person was mom," Joe sighed leaning his head on her shoulder cracking a small smile when she kissed his head. "Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course you can, you can tell me anything." She replied.

"I've been stalking her since I was seventeen." He reveals.

"Joe that's a long time, why didn't you come to me?" Denise questioned stroking his hair moving strands of hair that shouldn't be where it was to the correct place.

"Because I didn't think I needed to, I never thought it would get this bad." he confessed.

"Well it did and now you could face jail after what happened, let's just hope Demi will understand. Then we can get back the Joe we all used to know." Denise says.

"I don't think I'll ever be the same mom, Grace is dead." He choked as he felt his eyes building up with tears. He finally realised Grace was gone and Demi wasn't her, he finally realised how ill and mentally unstable he was.


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